A Bet, a Cheeky Nickname, and a Heart Full of Love
Lucy, the Golden Retriever, Finds Her Happy Place

Regan Ball retrieved Lucy, an eight-year-old golden retriever, on New Year’s Day of 2017. “I really wanted a second dog,” Regan says, “so in the summer of 2016 I made a bet with my husband.” The bet was this: in a 90 day span, if Regan was able to reach 500 followers on an Instagram account for their frenchie, Murphy, a second dog could be added to the family. Regan won the bet, and Lucy joined them four months later.
Lucille (Lucy) Ball is her given name, but she sometimes goes by Lucifer, a nickname she earned as a puppy due to her chewing of stairs and baseboards, and her general mischievousness. Lucy’s devilish days are behind her as she has grown into the sweetest pup. “She is all love, and will make guests think she is never pet. She’s very good at pouting,” Regan says. Lucy’s relationship with Regan’s daughters is one of Regan’s favorite things about Lucy. Outside of her naturally loving instincts, Lucy is a talented sleeper, and can ring a doorbell to let you know it’s time to go outside.
Some dogs have a spirit of adventure, while other dogs…don’t. “Lucy is one of the laziest dogs I know,” Regan says. “An adventure for her would be her head out the window for a drive.” While she’s mostly a homebody, she used to love going to Lowe’s, where she’d be smothered with attention. Lucy enjoys playing with her doggy siblings as much as she loves her human sisters. While Lucy may not hear the call of the wild, she’s found her happy place right at home with the people she loves.