Paws and Kisses: Celebrating Furry Love

Greetings from Martin and I and welcome to an issue chock full of all things pet. It seemed appropriate to introduce him since he was rescued just over a year ago by Nicholas Pet Haven. Martin was dumped and loyally sat in the same spot for days in the freezing weather. I picked him up on MLK day, thus his namesake. You will read about Nicholas Pet Haven in this month's Young Achiever article featuring Ben Ashley.

Billie was featured in the photo with me in January's issue and she was adopted from the SPCA of East Texas here in Tyler just like Jax from Bonejour Jax. In following pages you will read all about Lesley and her amazing new pet boutique. 

The pet theme continues with our Precious Pet article featuring the beautiful Lucy. If you need top-notch care for your furry friends, please visit Stroll Oak Creek's Partner Sponsor - Rose City Animal Clinic and for all your grooming needs please support Stroll Oak Creek's Partner Sponsor - Barks and Boujie.

Trusting you enjoyed your premiere issue of Stroll Oak Creek with a glimpse into some of your neighbor's lives via their shared stories. Photos make our magazine come to life and build a sense of community. Please read the "Your Stories, Our Pages" spread for inspiration. Text Kimberly @ 903-780-9155 (or email - it is a quick and easy process.

I enjoyed meeting those who attended our launch party at Enoch's Wine and Coffee. A huge THANK YOU to them for hosting us. Please return to visit and also dine at the adjoining Enoch's Chomp for scrumptious craft food.

Our next get together will be in April at the scenic Sundown Venue. Look for details in the save the date section. I am open to suggestions for future events - send them my way!

Till next month,

Kimberly Ritz
Publisher / Owner Stroll Oak Creek
(903) 780-9155