Meet Your Neighbor Genelle Trombley
Achieve Health & Wellness with ID Life

What prompted you to start your business?
It grew out of my journey toward better health, which was a “trip” that was long overdue. As busy moms and wives, we are often focused on the needs of everyone else around us, and we frequently put our own needs aside.
I still wasn’t taking care of myself and over a year ago I reached a breaking point in my life where I knew I needed to make some changes in regards to my health and well-being. I was tired all the time, dealing with chronic health issues, stressed, overweight, and quite frankly sick and tired of being “sick and tired.” I attended a nutrition workshop at Oak Pointe Country Club one evening. I just sat in the back taking all the information in. I reached out to my friend Kim Lenga who had hosted the workshop. She helped get me involved in a 30-day challenge, incorporating good food, exercise, and learning how to supplement to fill in the nutritional gaps. And so, my health journey began. As time went on Kim introduced me to the IDLife products, and I learned how they could work alongside and support my efforts to improve my health.
At this point, I started asking more questions, both about the products and the company. It was clear that these products were superior, and there was a sound business opportunity here as well. The more I learned, the more I began to think that the business could be the perfect fit for my life.
I signed on with IDLife last March and have discovered far more than just a great source of income. I can help others find the health results and benefits that I have found. I honestly feel healthier than 15 years ago and have found a new joy in life. This is a passion of mine and a game-changer, it is worth its weight in gold. When you find something that changes lives… PRICELESS!
IDLife stands for Individually Designed Life. They are revolutionizing the industry with individually designed supplements and customized nutrition. IDLife realizes that no two people are alike, and each of us has unique nutritional needs. The products are created with clean ingredients and backed by years of scientific data and research. They offer individually designed supplements and a unique DNA kit, providing each person with their road map to improving their health. This was a real game-changer for me. It answered questions about food sensitivity, inflammatory responses, which types of exercises are best for me, what supplements my body processes well and which one it doesn’t, tests for special gene mutations, and these are just a few of the many things learned through the DNA test. Their new IDFitness line focuses on maintaining healthy muscle and promoting longevity.
How did you decide on this industry?
I put in the hard work, and I know the products work. I am evidence of that. On an additional note, I have worked in medical billing for the better part of 20-plus years. As I review notes, and code so many chronic conditions, I see alarming rates of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and so many other chronic diseases. Research has shown that so much of this can be prevented through proper nutrition. When I started seeing my health issues improve and resolve, I knew this was something I wanted to be a part of. I firmly believe that our goal should not be simply to live longer, but to live BETTER!
Where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in the Flint and Swartz Creek, Michigan areas. My husband was also raised in Swartz Creek.
My husband Kevin and I have been married for 33 years. We moved to the Villas in Oak Pointe just over four years ago. Before that, we lived on the other side of Brighton where we raised our two children, both graduates of Brighton High School. Matthew is now 31, and Nicole is 28. We are blessed to have both of them living here in Michigan. Once our children were out on their own, we decided to downsize, and we loved the area of Oak Pointe. We would drive through here periodically over the years, thinking we would like to live here, finally getting that opportunity in 2019. Both of us love to golf, so this is the ideal neighborhood. Golf was one of the things that drew us here, but the social aspect was a perk as well. However, we moved in right before the Covid pandemic hit! But we have been blessed to get to know so many
friends since moving in. We like to say that when we drive in through the entrance street to Oak Pointe, it feels inviting and like you’re driving into a resort.
What are your hobbies/interests?
Well, fitness and golf or course. I have always been interested in music and singing and paper crafting. If anyone knows what a Cricut machine is, yes, that would be me. In the summer we like to visit Houghton Lake with Kevin’s family. During the wintertime, it’s always nice to take a trip to Arizona where my parents live. This is another plus to what I do with ID Life. It allows me the freedom to travel and take it anywhere I go.
Genelle Trombley
Independent Associate
(810) 772-6795
4604 LeBlanc Ct
Brighton, MI 48116