The Future of East Charleston County Mount Pleasant, S.C.

Mount Pleasant is attractive from many standpoints. From four view points, Mount Pleasant offers unlimited opportunity. These view points are those of residence, of industry, of agriculture, and of vacation.
Taking these in order given and expatiating on each individually, we shall first discuss the town's advantages as a home. Land is at present plentiful and inexpensive. Located as it is on the water's edge. Mount Pleasant provides a locale that is worm in winter and delightfully cool in summer. Prices for building or renting are now at a minimum in this region. A prospective resident has a choice of anything from an apartment to a cottage or house. Sanitary conditions in the town are kept at a high level by constant surveillence and care. The town at present maintains a water works, and plans are being completed for a municipal sewage system. Because of the proximity of the agricultural district, abundant fresh food is had for very little. The nearby sea provides a' quantity of heaithful sea food. Commuting to work in Charleston is inexpensive and one has the advantage of the peace and quiet and low taxes of the country with all the advantages of the town within easy reach.
Industrially the vicinity has much to offer. Deep waterways make cheap shipping one of many desirable factors. An abundance of labor, both skilled and unskilled, guarantees a full working crew. The cost of buying land and building a manufactory in the neighborhood is small enough to represent a great saying to any industrialist. There is already complete electrical power available, and the completion of the Santee-Cooper Development will augment the present Supply.
The agriculturist will find that the region offers him many decided advantages. The town of Mount Pleasant contains a cannery large enough to use the produce of the surrounding country-side. In season, several packing houses are maintained for shipping local crops. Thus the farmer always has an accesible market. The soil is such that crops seem literally to spring from the ground. It is not necessary to confine a plot of land to one crop annually, as the long growing season permits the raising of two, three and even four crops per year. The country-side is admirably suited for the growth of Slash Pine and with two outlets in this vicinity, the region should quickly develop into a bonanza land for farmers raising this ever more important product.
Similar golden opportunities are offered by the entire section from Mount Pleasant to the Santee River. A broad network of highways, a system of deep water-ways, and modern bridges insure farmers of rapid transportation of crops to any markets in the state, or in northern and southern points. The new bridge over the Wando at Cainhoy provides a short route to the upper section of the state that will be instrumental in saving farmers many thousands of dollars in shipping costs every year. This proximity of the Santee-Cooper Development assures this section, rapidly becoming known as the East Charleston County Section of South Carolina, of even greater development. The section is ideally adapted for the home-farm. With the advantages of city conveniences and excellent land, the region offers the farmer qualities found in few other parts of the nation.
For the vacationist, this town has advantages unsurpassed by any other place. In the summer, the cool breezes make the place a paradise. And there is no lack of sport, either.
Swimming, sailing, and fishing are of the best in this section. In the winter, Mount Pleasant provides comfortable headquarters for the tourist who wishes to see the old plantations of the surrounding country. The change in season does not change Mount Pleasant's desirability as a sporting ground. Fishing and hunting are unexcelled. Many a disciple of Nimrod or Walton has enjoved a happy vacation hunting and fishing around Mount Pleasant while the women of the family enjoyed themselves sightseeing in the plantation and
"Art Grass" section.
Mount Pleasant is just a small but 100% progressive town. Active in the nation's history since earliest times, the town and its environs shared in the national depression of the past years. But, with the indomitable spirit that characterises the native of this region, the section has taken itself by the boot-straps and is lifting itself bodily out of the financial mire that has covered the world since 1929. Not stopping even to proudly survey the handiwork of the past, East Charleston County forges ahead.
*Edited for language.