It's the Smalls' World After All
From childhood memories to raising their own family, the Smalls have come full circle in Old Westbury, where love for home and community runs deep.

For Stephanie and Kevin Small, Old Westbury isn’t just where they live - it’s home. Stephanie grew up in the village, and after spending time in Dallas while engaged, she and Kevin knew they wanted to raise their family here. In 2015, they moved back to New York and eventually found their forever home in Old Westbury.
You may remember Stephanie from our January issue, where we showcased the fun graffiti mural that is the highlight of their kids playroom. It’s the perfect place for this active family to laugh and have fun together.
Kevin, originally from Nashville, is the Director of Plastic Surgery at New York Bariatric Group in Roslyn and a well-known innovator and educator in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Stephanie, a former school counselor, is now a full-time mom and deeply involved in the community. She serves as Social Chair of the Early Childhood Center at Sid Jacobson JCC, Executive Vice President of the elementary school PTA, a board member at their temple, and also helps manage Kevin’s social media.
Together, they are active participants in the local community, supporting various events and organizations. They’re members of the Glen Oaks Country Club and Old Westbury Hebrew Congregation. Each year, they co-chair the Sid Jacobson JCC’s Stronger Than Cancer 5K Run, Walk, and Family Fun Day in October and this year they will co-chair the Eat.Bid.Laugh! event at the Garden
City Hotel, which is one of the organization’s largest fundraisers. Turn to page 27 to learn more about this exciting upcoming event!
The Smalls’ children, Lucas (7) and Remy (4.5), are constantly on the go. Lucas enjoys math and social studies and fills his afternoons with extracurricular activities and Hebrew school. Remy, full of energy, attends preschool and has plenty of after-school activities to keep her busy and burn off some of that youthful excitement!
For the Smalls, family time is always a top priority. Whether they’re hosting backyard BBQs, celebrating holidays, or simply spending weekends together, they cherish every moment. Stephanie loves sharing her childhood memories with her own children, saying, “11568 has always been home. My parents live in Old Westbury and are able to come over and visit my kids on a daily basis. Driving around our neighborhood and showing my kids where I went to school, where my friends lived, the fields I used to play on…that’s extremely rewarding,” Stephanie said.
Through their active involvement and generous spirit, the Smalls express their deep pride in being part of the Old Westbury community. It's clear that the Smalls are committed not only to each other but also to giving back to the place they call home.
How We Met
Kevin went to Washington University with my brother, Greg. They were both in ZBT and Kevin was a senior when my brother was a freshman (safe to say he hazed my brother). My brother and I are 7 years apart and growing up, I would always hear Greg talk about his friend Kevin who was in medical school in New York City. My parents often invited this "friend Kevin" to Jewish holidays, but due to his schedule, he was never able to attend.
Fast forward to December 2011, Kev and I met when I was a sophomore at Tulane attending my brother's birthday party in the city. He approached me and offered to buy me a shot, which I respectfully declined. He refused to take no for an answer and ordered one anyway. The next morning I had a text on my phone by 7am asking when we would be seeing each other next. Persistent, he was! He then asked my brother and his girlfriend (now his wife) if they would chaperone our first date; my brother replied if things ended badly, their friendship would also be over. Suffice to say, there was no looking back.
I flew back to New Orleans after winter break, and by the time I landed in New Orleans, I had a voicemail from Kevin saying he booked a flight to visit. After years of long distance and summer breaks living together we got engaged the day after I graduated from Tulane (May 2014), and the day before moving to Dallas, Texas for his fellowship. It was a busy weekend!
Our Favorite Things
During the warmer months you will always catch us outside in our driveway riding bikes & shooting hoops or enjoying our backyard. On weekends we are on the birthday party circuit so we’re often at Hotshots, Two Worlds and the flag football field. You will catch us at Glen Oaks in between all the activities for lunch! We also love to eat at Bryant & Cooper and Il Mulino and order in from Thyme and Pio Pio.
Lucas’s afternoons consist of FAST classes at Wheatley Plaza, tennis lessons and baseball practice. His favorite subjects are math and social studies! His weekends are filled with basketball, late nights with friends and spending quality time with his cousins and grandparents
Remy is the most outgoing and sassy 4.5 year old. She is a tomboy like her mama and plays soccer, flag football, tennis, basketball and dance. She is also very involved in many extra-curricular activities at the SJJCC. Her weekends are filled with gymnastics and quality family time.