A Year of Home Parties

FEBRUARY: Thank you Host Jeanne Schroeder!
Sunset Socials in 2023 reached a new high as they became more popular and a waiting list was created. 12 venues were provided by residents and it is the most "neighborly" event we do when gathering at a home.
A HUGE thank you to Mike Murphy & Alice Stremick for being our WSS Ambassadors and helping at each of the parties! Another thank you to Nancy and Rich Holman. Nancy coordinates the RSVP's and Rich helps with clean up! THANK YOU TEAM. If you are interested in being on the Event Team, please let Edee know at 386-212-2721.
Thank you to ALL the hosts who volunteered to welcome residents to their home:
Brendan & Mariana Hurley
Jeanne Schroeder
Chuck & Pat Gliechman
Mark & Laurie Stafford
Lynn & Vicki Smith
Tim & Arlene Meadows
Ken & Elaine Hawthorne
Sandy Sungenis
Theresa Sherman
James Buck for the Yacht Club invitation
Dean & Terry Pennington
Paul & Dania Dodd
See page XX for January's Party!