Meet Koa

Hello! My name is Koa. My parents are Rachel Lebensorger and Shane Meyer. My name is Koa, but I will also respond to Koa Boa, Young Man, Sir, Lieutenant Koa, and Shnooks. I am a 3 and 1/2-year-old male German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois mix, which means I have a lot of energy and I need a lot of enrichment, or I’ll find my own source of entertainment.
Where/why did you get your pet? We adopted Koa from Wright-Way Rescue in Morton Grove in April 2020, in the heart of Covid. We were moving out of our apartment and waiting to close on our home in Palos Park when we thought, “Let’s get a dog!” Not realizing how everyone else, bored and uncertain during Covid, also wanted to get a furry companion. We searched high and low for German Shepherd and Australian Shepherd puppies that would keep up with our lifestyle and want to explore the Palos Trails with us. Little did we know, you had to be the first person to email when you found a puppy to adopt them. So, we stayed up all night and kept refreshing their page until we found Koa, named Stamos, listed for adoption, along with his brothers, Sylvester and Stallone. We hit “send” to adopt him, and impatiently waited for a reply. The next morning we had an email with the headline, “Congrats, you’re adopting Stamos!” And when we saw his sweet little face with ears he’d have to grow into, we knew he was the one. We drove to Morton Grove and did a “drive-thru” adoption to adhere to Covid restrictions. They walked out a 3-month-old, 15 lb. puppy, and placed him on my lap through the car window and the rest is history!
Is there a story behind its name? Koa means “brave warrior” in Hawaiian. We chose this name for him because as a puppy he was given up to a high-kill shelter in Arkansas. Wright-Way Rescue then did a shelter save and brought him to their southern Illinois location to be vetted and fixed. Once we adopted him, he had to take a puppy transport and travel from Murphysboro, IL to Morton Grove, IL. All of this happened to him in the first 12 weeks of his life and we couldn’t imagine naming him anything else, with what he had gone through. And now when we look at him, we couldn’t imagine a different name for him.
Any special talents or quirks? Koa, like most German Shepherds, is on guard duty 24/7. This means he is his mom’s shadow and has the uncanny ability to trip her at least 100 times daily as he’s trying to guard her around the house. When he’s not on guard duty, he enjoys playing “hide and seek” in the house when you call out “Where’s mom?” He’ll search room to room until he finds me and then proceeds to run away so I can hide again. Koa is also known to be Timberlane’s gossiper…he will sit in the front yard and nod to every passerby while secretly logging their information so he knows who is who; it is not beneath him to accept cookies and pets from those who try to bribe him. When he wants to, Koa will fetch the mail and packages to bring in, and he will also fetch you a cold adult beverage or water when you need to quench your thirst.
What do you like best about your pet? Koa is part of the pack and wants to be included in everything we do. He is our family member now and we couldn’t imagine life without him. While he is a ball of energy during the day, he is an 80-pound lapdog at night. He is our “little” shadow and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Any funny stories? Koa is a ‘Certified Sock Thief’. No sock is safe in his presence, and he has no shame running to you with a sock to remind you who the real Sheriff in town is. At all times, Koa has at least two socks that he will dutifully bury in his blankets and beds around the house. He will also take trinkets if you visit the house to ensure you’re both on an even playing field.
How spoiled is your pet? Koa is so spoiled! He comes from a millennial household…need I say more? He has his beloved walker, Nanette, while we’re away at work, his loyal groomer, Trish, to take care of all his pampering needs, and his Aunt Susie and Gram (Grandma) wrapped around his paw. Koa has his fan club of neighbors and friends who save his photos and remark him as the “most photogenic dog” they know… ask our family photographer who takes his annual photos! Koa is our traveling companion, which means we have to find pet-friendly accommodations to ensure he can travel with us.
What else should we know about your pet and/or how your pet has enriched your home/family? Koa brings out the best in us and has taught us companionship and patience as we’ve never known before. Owning a dog brings out your best qualities and you learn how to navigate this world by how much you love your pup. They are with us for a fraction of our lives, and in this sweet world, there are few greater gifts than the love and companionship your dog brings to you. May we all be better in this life for finding our furry friend.