Groundhog Day

The morning alarm sounds. I press the snooze button and push off the start of my day by nine minutes. My legs slide off the bed, reluctantly, and my tired body follows, just like the day before.
A familiar start to the day for so many others, I’m sure, give or take the number of times you may hit the snooze button. I won’t bore you with the details, but I am sure you can picture an 80's movie montage of tasks set to the Dolly Parton song “9 to 5": waking up two teenage boys, flipping eggs, packing lunches, pouring coffee, being stuck in traffic, sitting at work, and so on. I have written about all the carpools and other activities that fill my kids’ schedules, and my car’s odometer ticking upwards. I’m not complaining about the repetitiveness; I actually think the routine makes it easier.
Although there is something about the cold of February that makes me feel a little stuck, not unlike one of my favorite movies, 1993’s Groundhogs Day, starring comedy (and local) legend Bill Murray. If you haven’t seen it, beware minor spoiler alerts are ahead.
The movie's main character, Phil, wakes up and relives the same day repeatedly. Many days Phil does exactly what he did before, and other days he varies it. Some for the better and some for the worse, which is where the real fun ensues. The movie is clever and funny, but just like February, it’s a little dark too.
Obviously, the film speaks to me. I think it’s because the themes feel relatable, and, like Phil, I try shaking things up. I have days where I go through the motions, let my cranky sideshow, act silly, and even do things that are way outside the norm. All in all, though, I like to think I am always striving to move the story along in a positive direction.
The morning alarm sounds. I press the snooze button and push off the start of my day by nine minutes…