Photography Club

A few of the members of the photography club out on a photo walk in the preserve.
It all began in 2017 with a chance encounter on our Boardwalk in the Preserve. I was heading out of the Preserve and he was heading into it. Both of us had our camera equipment strapped over our shoulders like soldiers going to battle. Our paths crossed and I said something like: “Aha! Another photographer, I see!” We introduced ourselves and were delighted to learn that we shared the same first name. He told me his last name was “Culver… like the restaurant”. It was then and there on the boardwalk that we agreed to start a club for our community and the Pelican Preserve Photography Club
was born. Sadly, Bob Culver passed away last year after an extended illness. He was a credit to our club and is deeply missed by all of us.
Since its inception, the Photography Club members meet twice a month from January through April to share our mutual interest in this wonderful hobby. We’ve had field trips to photograph birds in places like Harnes Marsh, Venice Rookery and Cape Coral (we love the burrowing owls). We’ve visited Naples Botanical Garden to photograph the flora and fauna and we’ve walked around downtown Ft Myers after dark to photograph the night scene there. One of our most popular sessions was to wander about Town Center to take photos of whatever caught our eye: the pickleball players were a favorite
At our meetings we review and discuss the photos that we post on our Pelican Preserve Photography Club group page on Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, please feel free to join this group and enjoy our photos. We have Q&A sessions on cameras, lenses and accessories. We also enjoy talking about how to use tools such as Photoshop and Lightroom to get the most out of our photos.
Pelican Preserve residents at any skill level interested in photography and learning how to take better pictures are welcome at our meetings. A “fancy” camera is not necessary. Whatever camera you use, including a cell phone, is fine with us. Our meetings are geared toward learning and sharing ways to become better photographers.
We meet the first and third Wednesday of each month from January through April at 4pm in the Pelican Preserve Conference Room at Town Center. Come and Join us! And remember that the secret to taking good pictures is to take LOTS of pictures!