She's Just Wild About Harry !
Claudia Johnson's Shitzu and Havanese mix

After a day at the spa
What would you do, if, after deciding to get a dog, you found one at a shelter with a history of abuse and abandonment, all matted and infested with fleas? And the shelter, being short-handed, was unable to clean the dog up? Well, if you’re Claudia Johnson, you’d get in the shower with the dog, administer flea medication, and request to take him home.
But, of course, the shelter had rules, and required time to vet potential adopters, and being shorthanded…well, “we’ll get back with you.” Now, a reasonable person might assume that a person willing to shower with and adopt such a dog that was likely headed for euthanasia had just demonstrated all the vetting that was needed. Luckily, the shelter’s supervisor agreed to make an exception, and Harry had finally found a home.
Claudia’s cat Gidget welcomed the new member of the family, and the two became fast friends. Harry, a Shitzu and Havanese mix, was soon the hit of the neighborhood. “He’s known as Mister Congeniality” says Claudia.
Harry is particularly fond of duck jerky treats, but has an aversion to any milk-bone snacks. And, it seems that he’s never met a vegetable that he doesn’t like, happily devouring such non-traditional doggy snacks such as carrots, sweet potato, and pepper strips.
Harry knows his toys by name, so if you tell him to go get his gator or monkey, he will immediately seek out and return with the requested object. Unfortunately, he enjoys hiding, as well, as Claudia found out the hard way. “He had hidden under the reclining sofa and I thought he had gotten out. I searched Pelican Preserve until 1:30 in the morning, walking around, squeaking his toy, rattling the treat bag, and driving around all over in the golf cart.” The happy ending was presumably sufficient for Claudia to forgive him, although Harry has never outwardly displayed any signs of remorse.
It didn’t take Harry long, after an early life on the streets, to adapt to the utopian lifestyle of Pelican Preserve. Like many of his canine compatriots, he is especially fond of a ride in the golf cart. And he enjoys socializing with his neighborhood pals Dorie, Ducky, and Minnie.
But most of all, he enjoys being Claudia’s protector, as he recognizes her role in his improved lifestyle. “He may be a bit spoiled,” Claudia admits, “but he deserves it!”