Meet Mittens
The Playful Kitten!

This month, we’re excited to introduce Mittens Adams, a five-month-old kitten with a personality as big as her tiny paws. Mittens is a lucky little furball, residing at her grandmother Vanessa Adams' home, while also sharing the responsibility with her 10-year-old granddaughter, Charly, a lifelong resident of Pinnacle. The family appreciates the neighborhood’s sense of safety and community, and Mittens is already settling in beautifully.
A Special Promise Fulfilled
Mittens joined the family after Charly’s Mimi, Vanessa, made a heartfelt promise. Vanessa’s previous cat, Midnight, affectionately called Tripod after losing a leg in an accident, passed away recently. Charly had begged Mimi for a kitten for a long time, and after Midnight’s passing, the time was right.
A friend from Charly’s gymnastics class had a litter of kittens, and when Charly and Mimi visited, they immediately fell in love with Mittens. They had to wait a few weeks until she was old enough to leave her mother, but the wait was worth it! Now, Mittens happily splits her time between Charly and Mimi, though she officially lives at Mimi’s house.
A Kitten Full of Personality
Mittens is a gray kitten with adorable white paws, which earned her the perfect name—Mittens. She’s also a bundle of energy, hopping around the house like a rabbit. Despite having a basket of toys, her favorite is a simple red mouse on a string that Mimi found at the dollar store!
One of her favorite pastimes is sitting in the windowsill, watching all the action in the backyard. Though she’s still too young to explore outside, Mittens may soon venture outdoors when she’s a little older.
Snuggles and Sweet Moments
Mornings are a treat for Mittens, who loves her breakfast snacks, and she’s also a fan of bedtime cuddles. Mimi laughs as Mittens hops all over the bed before crawling under the covers, peeking her head out to make sure she’s being watched. She also loves blankets and will curl up on anyone’s lap, sucking on the fabric as if she’s still nursing.
Best Buddies with Murphy
Mittens has found a new best friend in Murphy, her dog brother. Although they weren’t sure how the two would get along at first, Mittens and Murphy have become inseparable. The playful kitten now has plenty of furry companions, as Charly has three dogs at home, adding to Mittens’ growing list of friends.
Mittens has already brought so much joy to her family, and we can’t wait to see more of her adventures in Pinnacle!