Dottie's Special Bond - A Heartwarming Story of a Beloved Labradoodle in the Jamison Family

Dennis and Robin Jamison have been residents of Ptarmigan since 2013. They have a daughter named Megan, and their black Labradoodle, Dottie, is actually Megan's dog. However, since Megan moved back home to start her teaching career, Dottie has developed a strong bond with Robin. With Megan's demanding job, she has had to step back from some of her responsibilities, and Robin has happily taken over Dottie's care. Robin and Megan have agreed that when Megan eventually moves out, Dottie will remain with Robin and Dennis. The bond between Dottie and her “grandma” is truly special—though Dottie is friendly with everyone, her connection with Robin stands out. Let’s hear more about Dottie through this interview with Dennis.
How old is Dottie?
Five years
Where/why did you get your pet?
We bought Dottie five years ago from a breeder in Nebraska as an emotional support dog for my daughter, Megan, who was moving away to college to get her elementary teaching degree. Dottie spent four years going back and forth between Fort Hays, Kansas, and here. Once school was completed, Dottie and Megan moved back permanently to Colorado.
Is there a story behind his or her name?
She is named after Dottie Henson from the movie A League of Their Own. All four of my daughters are avid softball players and enthusiastic baseball fans. Megan played college softball at Fort Hays State University, and Dottie became the team's mascot, which is why she was named after the character from the film.
Is there anything unique or unusual about Dottie?
Dottie is very much a people dog. When we take her to the dog park, she spends about five minutes with the other dogs and the rest of the time people-surfing. Also, she loves to ride in the car, more than likely due to the many five-hour drives from Fort Hays to Fort Collins. She sits in the seat like a human and looks out the window.
Another quirk is how she talks to you when she wants something. She doesn’t bark but makes various guttural noises to get your attention. Different sounds for different things like dinner, needing to go outside, or letting us know it is her bedtime. Another quirk is that when Dottie lays down, usually on the couch or our bed, she has to have her head elevated. There must always be extra pillows so she can arrange them accordingly.
What do you like best about Dottie?
We like to throw large Christmas parties, and the guests always comment on how well-behaved Dottie is, how friendly she is, and how she stays out of the way unless someone calls her over. I also love that she is not a runner. She can be out with me in the front yard while I garden, and she will not leave our property. Dottie has a best friend in the house behind us named Bella. She is a 2-year-old Goldendoodle, and they love to play together. It’s hilarious how much energy they have and how well they get along. We call them “salt and pepper” friends because one is black and the other almost white.
Do you have any funny stories about Dottie?
Dottie has her favorite person, my wife. She likes to lay on our bed, especially if Robin's clothing is on it. She knows her scent. We often joke that if my wife ever goes missing, we’ll just let Dottie follow her scent, and she will be sure to find her. Once while shopping at Dick’s Sporting Goods (Robin likes to take Dottie everywhere she can), she went into the dressing room to try on some apparel. I was walking Dottie, and she got very nervous and anxious, which is unusual for her. Others in the store even asked if she was okay. We were walking by the dressing room, and she stopped suddenly, sat outside the door, and wouldn’t move. When Robin came out, Dottie returned to her usual self. She found her grandma’s scent.
How spoiled is Dottie?
Dottie is extremely spoiled, but she deserves it. Robin makes her a special dinner every night, and she always gets fed before anyone else. She is a wonderful dog and a special companion for my wife.
What else should we know about Dottie?
In addition to Robin, Dottie also goes crazy over my daughter, Megan, and granddaughter, Elinor.
From her unique quirks and special bond with Robin to her endearing interactions with everyone she meets, Dottie exemplifies the joy and companionship a dog can bring.