Meet Sweet Ashton
and a few of his friends

Hi, my name is Ashton, and I am a Boston Terrier. Thank you for picking me as this month’s Precious Pet! My family has lived in the Quarry since 2015, but they brought me home in the summer of 2018. The day I met my family, they drove three hours each way in the rain to get me; it was an instant connection when they held me in their arms! I am almost 4 years old now — that’s 28 in my years.
I am the sweetest, most laid-back dog ever. I love to run, play fetch, and I’m a champ at tug of war, but I really love to snuggle with my family! And if there is some sunshine in the house, I will drag my dog bed with purpose into the perfect spot to catch a long, warm nap!
I am so loved by my family, Anthony, Karen, Natalie, Alex, and Sean Kinner. I don’t even mind when they call me by my nicknames, "Ashy" and "Little Cow.” I think it’s a sign of affection, don’t you? They take me on long walks around the neighborhood and nearby parks. I also have many dog friends we see along the way, and they all smell good. I even have a couple of human friends I get excited to see who will stop mowing their lawns to come say hello! I am so grateful to be a part of this friendly neighborhood!
I get a lot of attention from my people, but I’m not the only pet in my family. We also have a parrot named Casper, two parakeets named Skai and Dowen, a guinea pig named Darby, and, pretty soon, a new fish tank with glow fish for me to watch!