Porter McCormick Taking Center Stage

Hey everyone! Welcome the young and talented actor Porter McCormick. His family have lived in the river bottoms for more than 50 years. Porter is 11 years old and in the 5th grade. He has a passion for musical theater and has had several opportunities to be in the spotlight.
Porter is a part of the COPA premier company and will be playing Flounder in the Little Mermaid at the Scera Shell this summer. He said "Getting the role has been very special." He was able to play Winthrop in the Music Man at Hale Center Theater in Orem. We found out that the Music Man is his mom's and grandma's favorite musical so this made it a really special experience for him.
Porter told us, "he has been very lucky to have played many leading roles, but with the many auditions comes rejection as well." He said, "It's hard to not get called back to roles that he puts his whole heart into. I have learned to take my audition as the opportunity to craft my talents and show what I love to do. If I don't get the callback or a role it still stings."
Porter told us that he hopes he can entertain people on the stage forever and maybe even on screen one day. He says, "If I could offer advice to others, I would tell them to find what you love and practice, practice, practice." We are so excited to have this amazing young man in the community and can't wait to see him perform.