Local River Bottoms Artist Jolynn Forman

My name is Jolynn Forman, My husband Doug and I have lived in the Northgate area of the
River Bottoms for almost 5 years now. We have four girls from the ages of 15-20. Our oldest
is 20 and is studying at UVU in Biology, and the twins 19, are at BYU in flute and UVU in
engineering. Our youngest is 15 and attends Karl G. Maeser Academy in Lindon. Doug is
an engineer at Flowserve in Springville where he has worked for 20+ years. I teach
drawing, painting, sculpture and stained glass at Timpanogos High School. I have taught
there for 6 years and love the quirky teenagers! I enjoy teaching the youth in our area and
helping them find ways to express themselves through art.
We have lots of pets including dogs, cats and chickens. We love gardening and we have
several gardens of veggies and fruit in our backyard. The latest project was building a koi
pond so we could have waterfall sounds to block out some of the University Avenue traffic
What I am most known for is my art. I have been painting for over 25 years. I have multiple
galleries across the United States and have painted for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints. I mainly paint portraits and temple pieces with some of my art appearing on the
cover of the Liahona and the Church Christmas cards. Costco and Deseret Book also sell
my images of Christ and temples. I specialize in cold wax and oil paint so my paintings have
a lot of color and texture. I often hide symbols in my art so if you look closely you will see
things like sea shells, roller skates or even dragons in the texture. I just returned from New
York where I taught a workshop in mosaics at the International Stained Glass and Mosaic
Currently, I am involved in the community with the arts (shocking, I know). I am co-president
of the Utah County Art Board in Provo. We put together art shows for local artists and
people who are learning art and display them at the Health and Justice Building in
downtown Provo. Anybody can enter and there are cash prizes! We also have professional
artists come in to talk to the public about their work and teach mini-workshops in many
different art styles. I have been part of the group for about 10 years and I love how we can
help young artists find themselves and be seen by others.
I love living here! I can bike to work, walk to a movie theater or get pizza almost any day.
We came from a small town farther south in Utah so it is wonderful to have things close.
Before, as a family we would have to drive 30 minutes to get to a grocery store yet here it is
a simple walk! The mountains are beautiful and we often go up into the canyon to see the
waterfalls or the leaves. I am grateful for the nice neighbors we live next to and the
peacefulness of the area. We hope to stay in the Provo River Bottoms for many years to