Koda to the Rescue

Koada, the five-year-old German Shepherd, was rescued by the Engle family when she was about seven months old. The family was not looking to adopt, but once they met her, they knew she had found her forever home! While Koda is her given name, the family has many loving nicknames for her, including Koda Bear, Kodak Black, Bear Bear, Bear Josephenia, and Bear Chick-a-Rita.
Erin Engle and Koda share a special bond. Erin says, “Koda is glued to my hip 24/7 - I am her emotional support human.” Since she and her family are new to River Hills, Koda has not met many new four-legged friends. She prefers hanging out with her small human friends, playing pickup football games like one of the boys, or giving kisses to the neighborhood kids.
If you have ever seen Koda at the dog park, you might know her as the “fun police.” Erin says, “She does not know how to dog, and when other dogs play and wrestle, she does not understand. She is the all-time referee and will do her best to try and break it up. If the attention turns to her, she will run and hide.” She is also a little leary of the pool and is terrified of the skimmer! While you will not see Koda roughhousing with other dogs, or taking a dip in the pool anytime soon, you will always see her with her ball. She carries it to bed, leaves it in her water bowl while she eats, and brings it on every walk!
The family says Koda is the most loyal companion they could have ever asked for. She is the perfect family pet, hiking partner, beach buddy, and snuggler. “Koda shows us everyday what it means to be a best friend and give unconditional love. She keeps us active and is our ultimate protector. Our family would not be complete without our Bear.”