Meet the Rogers Family
A Unique Blend of Love and Adventure

Hello everyone! We are Dr. Tiffany and Mrs. Michelle Rogers, proud parents of four amazing children and caretakers of six quarter horses and an adorable Irish Terrier named Zephie. Our family is a unique blend of love and adventure.
We met at The Empty Saddle Club in 2020 while pursuing our passion for riding horses.
In April 2022, we moved into our mid-century gem on Flying Mane. We found our dream - a horse property with an ocean view! What we were so pleased to discover was the amazing, connected community of Rolling Hills. We have enjoyed participating in Los Caballeros, the Hillfilly’s and getting to know our neighbors at the wonderful events sponsored by the Women’s Club and Community Association.
Wayfarer’s Chapel is visible from our home, so we chose this iconic location for our wedding five months ago. All four of our children honored us as our bridesmaids and groomsmen. It was amazing to look up through the window of the chapel and see our home on the hill. Local artist, and Rolling Hills resident, Don Crocker crafted a beautiful painting for us to commemorate the event.
A Heart to Help Others
Michelle is a licensed mortgage banker with Cross Country Mortgage. Michelle's passion for real estate and finance led her to pursue a career in mortgage banking, where she helps people finance the purchase of their dream homes and build their net worth through real estate investments.
Dr. Tiffany started her career as a physical therapist in the South Bay, then later returned to medical school to become an orthopedic spine surgeon. It was assumed she would go into sports medicine since she played college basketball (Go Utes!). However, she found her passion after assisting in a neck surgery and witnessing the profound impact she saw when the patient was able to pick up a drinking glass for the first time in over one year.
We also enjoy supporting PV Juniors Women’s Club, which helps raise funds for women and children in need in the South Bay. The Long Beach Mounted Police is a favorite charity as well - we take great pride in honoring the military at the Memorial Day event in Green Hills and riding in parades to promote patriotism. We hope more Rolling Hills residents will join us!
Meet Our Kids
Michelle brought her three older sons and Tiffany brought her daughter, Dylan, to the family. All three boys attended PV High, where they excelled in football. Dean Alessi, the oldest at 28, graduated from Chapman University and is a local real estate agent working for EXP in Manhattan Beach. Nicolas Alessi, 24, recently graduated from UC Davis and will be conquering the world soon. Julian Alessi, 22 attends UC Davis on a full-ride football scholarship. Dylan Rogers just graduated from Rolling Hills Country Day with honors and will be joining Palos Verdes High School as a freshman in the fall.
#Family Time
We cherish our time spent together. Riding horses is one of our favorite activities. Whether it's a peaceful trail ride in Rolling Hills or competing in equestrian events, we find solace and joy in the presence of these magnificent creatures. When we are not riding horses, we enjoy golfing at the Rolling Hills Country Club, skiing in Park City during the winter, and taking the boat to go surfing at Bluff Cove.
We believe in treasuring the little moments and finding humor in everyday life. With four kids, six horses, and a playful dog, our home is always filled with activity! Our kids and pets are truly the light of our lives, and spending time together and making unforgettable memories is what brings us joy.
A Blissfully Blended Family
We are a unique blended family with a deep appreciation for each other and the community we call home. Our passion for horses, love of adventure, and dedication to our professions define us. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us, and we look forward to the many wonderful experiences yet to come in Rolling Hills!