Grandparents' Greatest Joy: Rich and Diane Sperandio Celebrate the Love and Laughter of Their Seven Grandchildren

Rich and Diane Sperandio live in Royal Oaks to be close to their 7 grandchildren ranging from 2 to 20. Of course, as all grandparents do, they think these 7 are the most loving, kind, thoughtful, brilliant and talented kids academically, athletically and artistically. They exuberate beauty on the inside and out but mostly bring an unmeasurable amount of joyfulness as it should be with grandchildren/grandparent relationships.
The Sperandio’s proudly took on the names of Nana and Papa 20 years ago when their first son, Rick, and his wife, Megan, blessed them with a precious granddaughter. Kennedy continues to bring them happiness. She has entered her third year at the University of Houston as a Human Development and Family Studies major with plans on continuing to earn her master’s degree. Her continued love of music has her on the Cymbal Line of the Spirit of Houston Marching Band.
Just as they were learning to be the sort of grandparents they hoped to be, their son, Michael, and his wife, Emily, began their journey as parents with the birth of their first child, Georgia. Diane and Rich initially thought there would be nothing like that first grandchild being born and soon discovered each new life is so very special and precious and equally exciting. There are lots of great memories of Georgia growing up and attending her dance recitals, gymnastic meets, school programs and swim meets. Georgia has begun her senior year at Memorial High School where she is captain of the Women’s Volleyball team. She’s always smiling, and hard working having learned to balance the rigors of advanced academics and her athleticism. Georgia looks forward to attending college next year.
Less than 7 months later, another granddaughter entered the Sperandio’s world as Kennedy became a big sister to Madison. Both Kennedy and Madison were active in Girl Scouts, taekwondo and continued swimming and singing in church choir throughout their school years. Madi, a member of National Honor Society, is currently a senior at Westside High School majoring in health sciences while concurrently a Health Science Major at Houston Community College. Her associate’s degree will be awarded around the same time as her high school diploma, giving her a head start to begin working toward her bachelor’s degree. She’s looking forward to a brief internship program at MD Anderson. Music has always been a part of Madison. It’s her 7th year singing in her church choir, now President of Agape Choir at MDUMC and a base drum sub section leader of the Westside High School Marching Band. Madison has been a swimmer with the Villagers Piranhas Swim team since kindergarten.
The following year Grant was born to Emily and Michael, giving Nana and Papa their first grandson. Grant was strong and determined since that beautiful summer day in 2008. Grant has inherited his Daddy’s love and talent of all sports and both of his parent’s work ethics and dedication to each sport he’s participated in. At 5 years old, he was a Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Mutton Bustin’ Champion. He was already playing baseball and soon began playing football, both of which he still plays and excels at today. Grant has entered his sophomore year at Memorial high school where is has been on the Varsity Baseball team as a starting pitcher and will play Varsity Football this season. His summers are busy traveling around the country on elite baseball teams as a nationally ranked player in the top 15 nationally and currently in the #2 spot in Texas for the class of 2027. His future looks bright as a University of Texas recruit.
Two short years after Grant’s birth, he and Georgia became older siblings to their baby sister, Joanna, teaching her the same love and kindness they already were experts at. Joanna followed her big sisters lead in taking gymnastics and ballet, continuing with all forms of dance, dancing competitively until volleyball caught her attention. Joanna has exhibited a creative talent in arts and crafts, writing and has a love of cooking. She is an 8th grader at Spring Branch Middle School. Joanna plays volleyball at Skyline as well as in school.
Five incredible grandkids born in a 6 year span brought Rich and Diane to Houston 4 or 5 times a year to be able to enjoy time with them on birthdays, holidays, special occasions and some great and memorable family vacations. They, too, came to Lexington, Mass to spend time at Nana and Papa’s, making our extended family very happy.
Diane and Rich’s youngest, Annie, along with her husband, Todd, came to surprise them at their annual 4th of July cookout in Lexington in 2019, with an early birthday gift that included a sign reading “Red, White and Due, Baby Grassi due Feb 2020”. After living in a town filled with rich American history for 25 years, that one trip changed their personal history. It was time to move back to Houston where their two youngest, Michael and Annie, were born while on “temporary” assignment from 1979 through 1994. Their entire immediate family now resided in Houston. With another grandchild on the way, moving closer now made even more sense.
The Sperandio’s arrived at Royal Oaks on January 22, 2020, just in time to be at the hospital when their 6th grandchild was born the following morning. Jameson, affectionately known as J.P., was spoiled by all of his cousins who were now old enough to really spoil a baby with overflowing love. He embodies the kind heart and soul he’s seen those cousins freely share and the athletic ability has also been passed down. J.P. loves coming to Royal Oaks and spend time at the driving range and has recently become a big fan of the Kid Zone. He loves to cook and while doing so often tells Nana and Papa, “Wait until Chef hears about this.”
J.P. became a big brother, a title he wears well, in April of 2022. Charli, now 2 years old, has the benefit of being spoiled and loved beyond measure by her big brother and older cousins. She wants to do everything J.P. does, including trying to hit golf balls and swing a baseball bat. Like her momma, she watches and learns from her brother and will be that same strong spirited gal who can do anything a boy can do with the same level of expertise and enthusiasm. Both Charli and J.P. spend a lot of time at Nana and Papas until their schedules will keep them busy and Nana and Papa will see them at their various events.
Diane recalls their wedding day when upon telling her sister, Lu, this was the happiest day of her life, Lu responded with, “Not yet. The happiest day will be when your first child is born.” Lu was right for the time being, and then another child was born and yet another. For years it seemed those were the happiest days and then they were blessed with 7 more happiest days of life as each grandchild entered their world. Rich and Diane are looking forward to what life has in store for their 7 grandchildren.