Golf Suits Chris Anne Olenic To a Tee

“I thought golf would be a good couples’ activity,” shares Chris Anne Olenic as to why she
started playing golf. “I had quit working and was looking for more to do besides tennis,” she
Her husband plays golf and Chris decided to learn this popular game for herself. Fortunately,
she wasn’t alone. “A group of friends were starting at the same time,” she explains. Learning
together made it more fun for her as a beginner.
Chris has been golfing for 7 years. This Ruby Hill resident has golfed at Ruby, Castlewood,
Pebble Beach, Torrey Pines, Maui, Kauai, and even Rome. Golfing with her ladies’ group is also
fun for her, especially with their home and away activities.
“We can golf at local courses for a very reduced fee and then we host ladies from that club,”
she explains. They also compete with other ladies’ groups in the Bay area. For a greatly reduced fee, she gets to travel to really nice Bay Area clubs.
Through the years, Chris has many good memories with her women’s group, especially with all
their fun events. “I also have many fun memories with friends and family,” she adds.
Favorite Places and People
What’s Chris’ favorite course? “My favorite course would probably be Maui or Kauai due to the
views and that they are always warm,” she explains.
The best thing about playing golf is that Chris has the ability to enjoy the game while she plays.
“My drive is my easiest shot,” she smiles. “My weakness is that I have a line drive, so it’s not a
pretty game. My fairway shot is often a straight shot that doesn’t have a pretty arc and
sometimes runs along the ground,” she adds.
If given the chance, Chris Anne’s dream foursome would include her late father and
grandmother, who both loved golf but didn’t get to see her play at her best. Rounding out the
group? None other than Barack Obama and Steph Curry. "I'd love to have a beer with them,
talk sports and current events with them," she says.
Top Tips
If you’re looking for some golf tips, Chris has you covered.
“Grab a friend or two to start with,” she shares. “You will be beginners at the same time.” After
all, learning to play golf has a steep learning curve. Playing with people at your own level when you start is recommended. Taking group lessons is also a good idea. “Then go to the course and practice what you just worked on.”
Last but not least, know that other people are not watching you. Chris says, “Everyone is
thinking about their own game, not yours!”
Life is too short to worry about your golf game. Enjoy every second on the golf green, savor the
company of friends and make memories to cherish. Chris loves golf, which is a sport that suits
her to a tee.