The Gift of Time

Time. Most of us foolishly think time is endless: we procrastinate or think “there’s always tomorrow.” But time is a diminishing resource each of us have.
My older sister Stacey and I traveled to Cleveland to spend Christmas with my dad when I was a senior in high school. My parents divorced when I was three and I only saw my dad for about one week every other year.
That week the Cleveland Browns miraculously were in a Wild Card playoff game. We begged my dad to go. Dad called my mom to complain how much money it would cost, but mom gave him sage advice. “You better start making memories, Joe. You don’t know how many times you three will ever be together.”
Dad ended up splurging on three tickets. We packed tuna fish sandwiches, thermoses of hot tea, and rode public transit to the game to save money.
Even though it was more than 35 years ago, I clearly remember walking through Terminal Tower in downtown Cleveland, my face painted to match the Dawg Pound. I was so excited to be with my sister and my dad for my very first professional football game! It was Christmas Eve day and we played the Houston Oilers. There were thousands of us walking down to the stadium. We were all chanting, singing, and having a great time.
Our seats were only a few rows from the top of the stadium and I remember freezing as the icy wind blew off Lake Erie. I also remember screaming until I had a sore throat and how delicious those tuna fish sandwiches tasted. I also vividly remember losing 24-23 (of course we did, it was the Browns!)
We got home after midnight so we stayed up to open all our gifts. It was the best day. It was also the last Christmas I spent with my dad. He died about a year later.
Most of us don’t appreciate that our time can be the most significant gift we can give to one another. We forget that just being present for someone can be the best present of all.
There is no better time to remember that than during the holidays.
If you think it is time to stop procrastinating and start protecting your family, Cholewka Law can help. We specialize in estate planning. Please contact us at 480-497-3770 to schedule a conversation or visit for information.