Introducing Zane Beach from Beach Ventures Roofing
Don't wait for the rain to build your arc!

Where did you grow up? How long have you lived in the area? Tell us about your family
I grew up in Phoenix and was raised by my mom and dad. They were both hardworking and dedicated to helping people in their line of work. Dad was a Special Ed school teacher, Mom was a supervisor for American Express for years. I started off opening a company at 25 years of age. I have run two businesses for over 20 years. Zane’s Rod and Custom where we build, paint, and restore old cars. My main business was roofing and installing roof systems all over the valley and state. I love building things. Personally, I think I love tearing them apart more, hence my nickname ‘Taz’…like the Tasmanian devil.Tear the project apart and let’s build it back better, stronger, and make it last longer. I have lived in Phoenix for over 50 years. I am married with two kids and a dog. One big happy family.
Tell us about the events that led up to where you are now…
I went to North High School in Phoenix, Mustangs! Go Red and Blue! I had strengths in Science, Art, and Math. I went to Phoenix College and finished up my AA then went on for a Nursing degree originally on the way to a health profession. I kept leaning back on construction and made the move officially in 2001 for a career in building.
What is your business, how/why did you start your business?
My business was originally to set my own hours, work hard to get ahead, and enjoy my weekends whenever I wanted. My path was to take on the harder jobs and have a feeling of accomplishment. It’s fun to point to all the residential and commercial jobs I have done in the valley over the years. (Kids roll their eyes…Yes Dad I know) I still keep pointing them out regardless. LOL
Given your business expertise and the nature of what you do, what advice can you offer to the residents?
Noah didn’t build the arc when it was raining…means checking the roof before it’s too late, preventative measures are key in most homes. Sometimes people are not aware that they have a problem until it’s too late. Another piece of advice is about how you maintain a roof. Sometimes felt is more of a requirement to be changed out when maintenance is not an option, especially on roofs older than 15 years. The sun is brutal, storms are vicious, and being prepared can save thousands if you stay on top of your home.
What else should we know about you, your family, or your business?
No job is too small. We offer free inspections, we take photos and show people issues, no scare tactics, just common sense, and education is more of a softer approach and gives people time to digest the possibility of needing work done. We like to help them make better decisions. Not just show up and push things on people they don’t need.
My family is hard-working, caring, and looking out for others. They volunteer time to charities and other organizations and communities. I feel this is important, not just go to work and make money for yourself but donate time and talents to help others or people less fortunate.
To contact Beach Ventures Roofing for any of your roofing issues,
Call, visit them online, or follow on social media:
480-233-4728,, LinkedIn, Nextdoor, Website: