Meet South of Broad's Very Own Peanut

Hello! My name is Peanut. I’m almost 13 years old, but I look very young for my age. I moved to Charleston with my human Mom about 2.5 years ago. I grew up in a historic rowhome in Baltimore City. We loved Baltimore, but then the pandemic hit, and Mommy had a moment of pandemic-induced insanity…she sold our rowhome and moved us to Charleston on a whim. She said it was to escape winter and try something new. We bought a pretty condo in an old house just South of Broad. Mommy is making me write this article because she says we’ve been lazy about meeting new people and getting to know our neighbors…not sure why that’s my responsibility, but here goes…
Learning to become a Southern kitty has been quite an adjustment! I miss my Aunt Alison, Aunt Kris and Uncle Steve who used to hang out with us and take care of me when Mommy traveled. I’ve also had to get used to someone living across the hall. Sometimes when our neighbor opens their door, Pippa tries to come visit. But Pippa’s a dog, and I’m not sure I like dogs. I much prefer alone time and human companionship – but only with humans, I like. Mommy has also started chasing me around with a comb, which I don’t like. She says I’m shedding more because of the warmer weather. I am super fluffy, but I am perfectly capable of grooming myself, thank you very much.
The best part about my move to Charleston is the year-round sunshine and all the birds. We have lots of windows in our new place, and we sit up high at eye level with the treetops. I love to sit by the windows and soak up the sunshine and watch the birds. I especially like the cardinals who hang out and chat with me through the window – sometimes they even play hide and seek in the palmetto trees. We also have two covered piazzas, but I’m not allowed outside. That’s okay, I don’t like the noise outside anyway since I’m used to being an indoor kitty. I am content to just lay by the French doors and sunbathe in the warm sun or take one of my many daily power naps.
Last year, I experienced my first hurricane – Hurricane Ian. It was quite an adventure. I’m terrified of thunder and lightning, but the hurricane did not bother me at all since there was no thunder. I think Mommy was more concerned about it than I was…she says anything stronger than that, and she’ll have to pack me in the car and “evacuate.” I don’t know what that means, but I don’t like being in the car, so I hope we don’t get any hurricanes this season.
Anyway…that’s all for now. If you see my mom around town, please introduce yourself, and maybe she’ll bring you by to visit me. Meow, neighbors!