Potter Benne

Potter ordering doggie treats from Logan at the doggie bakery.
Hi, my name is Potter Benne, I'm a one-year-old Golden Retriever, and I’m a boy! My birthday is December 29, 2022 and I came from Argos Kennel in Virginia Beach. I live with the Benne family, including my mom Caroline, dad Nick, and sister 8-year-old Elizabeth in the neighborhood. I am my family’s first puppy and we’ve learned a lot together. When I was little my family made sure that I was around a lot of things so I wouldn’t be scared, and that worked, except for the vacuum cleaners. My nemesis! Unfortunately, due to my beautiful and bountiful hair, the vacuum goes all the time! Luckily, my dad works from home so I like to spend all my time during the day in my dad’s office. While he is working, I like to steal shoes, toys, treats and run back to my bed. I really love my toys…like to death! My favorite toys to kill are my stuffed golden retriever, a lamb, an octopus and a lamb. My favorite food is EVERYTHING! When we go to Unleashed, the dog bakery, I get to pick out my own treats!
I love to walk my human sibling Elizabeth to school and walk around the neighborhood, especially to Sweet Donkey and Crystal Spring Grocery. I also love to go to my obedience classes at High Hopes, playing at Roanoke College campus, trips to PetSmart and exploring all the fun parks in Roanoke. My family says that I’m super friendly, confident, and sweet…except when I have to get in the car. When my humans try to make me come in the car I won’t budge. The neighbors think it's funny.
My family joked about how they wanted a guard dog…that definitely wasn't me!!! While that is very true, I have provided my family with hours of fun and I hope they think of me as their best friend because they are mine. Especially when they take me to the dog bakery!