The Holloway Family
There's no shortage of adventures for the Holloways!

Sandy and Steve Holloway love Southern Hills so much that this is their third home in the neighborhood!
“We love the friendly neighbors, beautiful big trees, big lots, Manion park in walking distance,” Sandy said. The couple has lived in their current Southern Hills home for about four years.
Originally from California, Sandy and her family ended up in Oklahoma quite unexpectedly. “My dad brought us to Okmulgee for three weeks on our way to Phoenix, Arizona. He went on to Arizona and didn't come back so my mom raised the six of us on her own in Okmulgee,” Sandy recalled.
In 1974, Sandy moved to Tulsa. She and Steve both attended OSU and landed jobs in the insurance industry. “I called on Steve as a captive agent for a small group health insurance carrier. We started dating and married, but divorced nine months later,” Sandy shared. The two did some soul searching, became Christians, and three years later, Sandy said the Lord brought them back together. Now they have been married 31 years, have two children and four grandchildren.
Sandy is retired now, but Steve still sells commercial and professional business insurance and is VP of Rickets & Fennell Insurance Company. The Holloways attend Redeemer Covenant Church, where Sandy co-leads the Women's Ministry Team. Both Sandy and Steve like to play golf, ping pong, and croquet. Their whole family is big on game night. “We get together every other week for family night to play games and share dinner together,” Sandy said. The family that plays together stays together!
Steve and Sandy have two children, Cahn and Sarah. Cahn and his wife Joelle, have two children: Cahner, who is 10 and plays basketball and football, and Savannah, who is seven and plays soccer and does cheerleading. Sarah and her husband, Carl, also have two children: Brodie, who is 14 and loves to fish and play soccer, and Trace, who is 11 and rides BMX bikes.
The whole family also likes to travel together. When the weather is right, they go to adventure parks to do the zip line and ride rollercoasters. “We love going to Big Cedar over the Christmas holidays and in the summer, and every three years we take a big family vacation,” she added. Their favorites are Big Cedar, Branson, and Carlton Landing. Steve is the travel planner and likes to have nice accommodations. Sandy recalled their trip last summer and how it didn’t quite work out as Steve planned:
“He thought he had booked us in a resort with many amenities and it fell very short of his expectations. We all rallied and said we were going to make the most of our time together and had a big laugh when our granddaughter said she wanted to move in. We had a great time despite the less than desired accommodations.”
Perhaps next vacation, Steve will have assistance in the planning phases. But it really doesn’t matter – the Holloways seem to have fun wherever they are.