Legacy of GRIT!

“A women is like a tea bag-you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water”-Eleanor Roosevelt
Every March, as Women’s History Month begins, I find myself reflecting on the individuals who have profoundly shaped my life. My thoughts always return to my grandmother, Geraldine “Dot.” She grew up in a small town in South Dakota, where life was challenging, and opportunities were scarce. Marrying young, she moved to a farming community in Brookfield, Missouri, before eventually settling in Michigan. With remarkable resilience and determination, she worked tirelessly on the farm in Hudsonville alongside my wonderful grandpa, raising five children and building a brighter future. Despite her petite frame, her hands bore the strength and calluses of years spent raising kids, tending to livestock, and harvesting abundant gardens. I can still vividly recall the comforting aroma of Sunday dinners at the farmhouse after church—she was truly an incredible cook! To this day, I’m in awe of how she managed it all, and I know I owe much of my own grit and "never give up" attitude to her example.
As you read through this issue of Stroll Spring Lake, take a moment to think about those who’ve left their mark on you — the women and men who’ve inspired, supported and guided you. Share a memory, send a message of thanks or pay it forward by helping the next generation. Together, we can honor the past and build a future where everyone’s potential is realized.
Here’s to the women who came before us, the ones shaping today and those who will lead tomorrow!
All My Best,
Alexis ‘Lexy’ Hylarides-Publisher