Integrity. Service. Excellence.

David Merrick
Branch: Air Force
Rank: SSgt
Years served: 2004-2010
What inspired you to join the military?
Rank: SSgt
Years served: 2004-2010
What inspired you to join the military?
Stability, family benefits, GI Bill, the prospect of retiring in 20 years.
How did you choose the branch of service?
How did you choose the branch of service?
A previous co-worker was prior Air Force and raved about serving. I wanted the more technical jobs, so the Air Force was the best option.
Where did you go to training, and where were you stationed after that?
Where did you go to training, and where were you stationed after that?
I did basic training at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas. I was then stationed at Bolling AFB in Washington, D.C.
What positions did you hold while in the service?
What positions did you hold while in the service?
I was USAF Honor Guard all six years. I was a member of flight and Firing Party. I was also the unit graphic designer working in the command section.
Is there a story you can share about your time serving?
Is there a story you can share about your time serving?
Our primary mission was working in Arlington National Cemetery. I worked ceremonies for President Bush, President Obama, the Queen of England, Pope Francis, and countless Heads of State from all over the world.
What did you do after you completed your service?
What did you do after you completed your service?
After separating from the Air Force, I moved back to Owasso and pursued my now full-time position as CEO of Merrick Design, where I design and produce challenge coins for the military.
What do you miss about being in the service? Anything you don't miss?
What do you miss about being in the service? Anything you don't miss?
I miss the unit camaraderie. The prestige of the job. I do not miss the 4:00 a.m. inspections or performing ceremonies in sub-zero and/or scorching temperatures.