Cranachan, a lovely Scottish dessert

I traveled to Scotland this summer and everything was beyond delicious! I could eat Sticky Toffee Pudding every day for the rest of my life! Another favorite is Cranachan, also a very popular Scottish dessert. My mother-in-law makes it every January 25th for "Robert Burns Night". Maybe I'll make Cranachan this year too and start this same tradition closer to home.
~ Sunny Millar
Makes 6 (5 oz servings)
1/3 cup (2 oz) and 1/4 cup (1 1/2 oz) steel cut/pinhead oats
1/3 cup (3 oz) Scotch whisky (Glenfiddich or Glenlivet, use a top quality brand)
2 cups (12 oz) fresh raspberries
3 tbsp Scotch whisky
3 tbsp organic raw honey
2 tsp sugar
2 cups of organic heavy whipping cream (it’s important to use good quality cream)
The night before you want to make the dessert, toast 1/3 cup of the oats in a cast iron or very heavy pan until very lightly browned- this won't take long, so keep a close eye, as you don't want burnt oats. Put the oats in a bowl and cover with 1/3 cup of whisky. Cover and let stand overnight to soak.
When you are ready to make the Cranachan, toast the second batch of oats, exactly the same as you did the first ones. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.
Choose a few choice raspberries to decorate the tops and set them aside.
Crush the rest of the raspberries in a bowl, with a spatula or fork, (just a bit, we're not making jam).
Sprinkle the raspberries with 2 teaspoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 1 tablespoon of whisky. Mix well and set aside.
Whip the cream until it starts to thicken, then add the other 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of whisky. Continue to whip until stiff peaks form, then fold in the whisky-soaked oats.
At this point, we are ready to assemble the dessert. I would recommend doing this relatively close to serving time as the dessert will taste better fresh (if possible, don't make it in the morning to serve for dinner).
Place a spoonful or two, to cover the bottom of the glass, of the raspberries, then add some of the cream mixture.
Sprinkle the cream with some of the toasted oats, then repeat the layers. Finish with the sprinkled oats and top with a raspberry or three.
Refrigerate until ready to eat, but take them out about 20 minutes before serving, for better flavor.
**Adapted from