A Joyful Endeavor: Ryann Shumeyko is a Published Author!
Join us as we celebrate the publication of Edinburgh Resident Ryann Shumeyko’s book ”Count it All Joy: A Poetic Testimony".
My name is Ryann Shumeyko, and I have been an Edinburgh resident for almost my entire life. I am the middle child of my two siblings— Kyle, the oldest, and Caroline, the youngest, and the daughter of Greg and Sue Shumeyko. After moving from New Jersey while pregnant with the favorite of their three children (me), my parents dreamed of the house and life they would build together in Georgia. They stumbled upon an empty lot in Edinburgh in 2002 when the neighborhood consisted of less than twenty homes. This quickly turned their planned “three years in Georgia” into an unexpected twenty-three-year stretch. However, I am thankful for the unpredictable joy that often comes with change because I could not imagine growing up anywhere else.
Although I am a longstanding Edinburgh resident, I am a newcomer in the world of being a published author. I have spent the past few months since September living in quiet accomplishment of my lifelong dream to publish a book, and I am honored to share with you the journey of how my book came to be.
Count It All Joy: A Poetic Testimony is my testimony written interchangeably in the form of poems and stories. These poems and stories chronologically explore my life in three parts: Wide-Eyed, Growing Pains, and Childlike Wonder. Each section of the book holds different lessons, triumphs, trials, joys, heartaches, doubts, and questions I have experienced during my walk of faith.
The first section, Wide-Eyed, was inspired by my childhood in the neighborhood; it was full of outdoor play with my siblings and neighbors, manhunt that led to us dodging the security guards, kickball in the cul-de-sac, morning swim practices on the Edinburgh Marlins, comfort food made by the caring hands of my parents, Blockbuster movies watched in pillow forts, and doorbell rings followed by, “Do you want to play?”
My childhood was a dream, all thanks to the opportunities that curiosity presented to me at such a young age. This world of curiosity instilled in me a further dream to share the joy that has been planted in me since I was a little kid.
Stories have been a steadfast source of comfort throughout the many stages of my life. From my parents repeatedly reading Where the Wild Things Are to me as a child, to The Boxcar Children shaping my ache for adventure, to my brother’s gentle nudge to read the Harry Potter series as an adult… Through it all, I have learned that a good, honest story has the power to change us.
Over time, I watched as reading stories led to my own journaling. I have created characters, strung together chapters, written as a means of reflection, and envisioned worlds in which I could make my own words come to life. However, I kept my drafts secret because I was scared to share. It was not until I was a sophomore in high school that I considered putting my ideas out into the world, all thanks to a great English teacher who made me believe that my writing was something special.
Despite having the dream to publish a book as an early teenager, I did not accomplish this goal until I recently turned twenty-five. That is not to say I wish I had published it sooner, but rather to highlight that there was only one thing that held me back in the long process of writing: me. For so long, I convinced myself that my life was too ordinary to write about. Thanks to my wonderful parents and siblings, I grew up in a home that embodied love, kindness, and patience. I played sports, worked hard in school, coached the summer league swim team, stayed out of trouble, graduated from an SEC university, and began my high school English teacher career.
It seemed like I followed all the steps. Who would want to read about someone who followed all the steps?
This is when I realized that sharing my work was less about changing the world and more about honoring my own dream, despite how intimidating and vulnerable it felt. Doors open when we pursue our dreams, both for ourselves and others. Writing this book helped me discover the joy of being found in an honest and well-lived life. Because of it, I have realized how extraordinary my life really is and how lucky I am. Above all else, I hope my words serve as a gentle reminder to search for the joy in your own life every single day.
To stay updated on my book, you can follow my book Instagram @___countitalljoy and purchase my book on Amazon by searching the title Count It All Joy: A Poetic Testimony! Thank you so much, and happy reading!