Meet Tito
From Car Engine to Christmas Tree

On the evening of December 1, 2022, our neighbor, Cindy Ryan, called asking if we could take a kitten into our home. She and her daughter had just rescued it from our other neighbor's, the Coffey's, car engine. Apparently, Tito had been in the car outside in their driveway earlier in the day, and when they went to get her, she ran into the woods. She later returned to the vehicle inside the Coffey's garage.
Tito is named after my husband Craig's favorite vodka, Tito's. She arrived at our house around 7PM, and neighbors Laura and Ron Gentry provided us with a pet tent, food, and litter to get Tito started in her new home. She was about 8 weeks old and only weighed 1lb. A few days later, our other neighbor, Stu, who is a veterinarian came over for a gender reveal (it's a girl!) and a quick check-up. We then took her to the vet for a full check-up and she passed with flying colors. Every time we have taken her to the vet, the entire staff has commented on how friendly and easy she is to get along with.
From the start, Tito immediately used her litter box and was very friendly and sociable. She quickly took to exploring the Christmas tree, the lamps in our house, and everything else.
To this day she’s been a very good, entertaining cat, and we are happy she is now part of our family.