Maverick's is TOP DOG
He's got the Need for Speed

Q: What is your pet's name? Is there a story behind their name?
A: Maverick is his name and he always has the need for speed. He’s a special dog with a mind of his own, very stubborn and plays well with others. He is the BEST dog we could have ever asked for.
Q: Details - breed, age, gender, type, etc.
A: French Bulldog, 4years old, male = the BEST
Q: Do they have any special talents or quirks?
A: Loves his photo taken, tilts his head when asked a question, never turns down food, and just a love bug.
Q: How did they come to join your family?
A: We realized this was the best breed for us. A friend of ours introduced us to a woman that was getting ready to pick the right people to receive a puppy that would best fit their life, and we were chosen.
Q: Any funny stories to share?
A: There are a whole Lotta, funny stories about Maverick, and to be honest what you hear about franchise is true they are cute, they are lovable, and they definitely toot like no other.
Q: How spoiled is your pet?
A: He is our kid, and I will make sure that while he is on this earth he has the best life he could ever imagine. I am so grateful for him, and I always want him to be grateful for us. He is a gift.
Follow Maverick on Instagram at @maverickmag7