Precious Pets

What is your pet's name? Is there a story behind their name?
Her name is Nala. When we first got her she looked like an adorable baby lion, so Nala from The Lion King just seemed so fitting.
Details - breed, age, gender, type, etc.
She is 4 months old and has such a unique look nobody could figure out what she could be a mix of. Everyone was pretty certain about the golden, but there were so many wild guesses about the rest. We ended up doing a DNA test, but it took FOREVER to come back. In the interim, we started to see a lot of husky traits in her personality. For example, she is the sweetest most well-behaved girl, but sometimes can be willful. Also, she loves to climb and sometimes speaks in tongues. Lol! Husky talk! Turns out, she is 40% Golden, 20% Husky, 20% German Shephard, 20% Redbone Coonhound and 100% sweetest girl ever!
Do they have any special talents or quirks?
Nala is full of love for everyone she meets, both 2 and 4 legs! She is also very smart and is doing impressively well with all her basic, get you through life, commands such as sit, down, leave it, drop it, off, place, etc. We have had tremendous help from super trainer Chase Brannen from Dominion Dog Training in this area! I cannot think him enough for the things he has taught US! Her number one crazy skill, however, is climbing. I'm pretty sure she thinks she's a cat or a mountain goat.
How did they come to join your family?
We adopted her from the Society of Humane Friends of Friends of Georgia (SOFGA) in Lawrenceville. I also cannot say enough good things about these wonderful people.
Any funny stories to share?
Well, she is a puppy so literally every day so far has been a funny story. She makes us laugh all the time. We also adopted a kitten and Nala loves her kitten SO MUCH she is downright obsessed with her. We ended up naming the kitten Georgie because Nala reminds us of the abominable snowman in that bugs bunny cartoon that finds Daffy Duck in the pink bunny costume and says "I just want to love you and squeeze you and hug you and name you George"
How spoiled is your pet?
INCREDIBLY spoiled! For example, she is allowed on all the furniture (except table tops because she can climb up there) and whenever she wants to get up on the sofa or bed she just puts her 2 front legs up, looks at us and waits patiently because she knows we will do the rest! She can climb up on table tops, porch rails, and all kinds of crazy things she's not allowed on, but the crazy 2 legged suckered in this house help her up on the sofa! OMG, she has our number!