BEHAVIOR Starts with Socialization

From the time our lovable pups are born – they are sensing the world around them and learning how to adapt just like we are.
It is important that we steer them in the right direction and set rules and boundaries to help keep them safe in all situations so we can keep them around as long as we can. We also want to make sure that the dog fits our lifestyle.
A huge part of keeping this human/animal bond begins with socializing them as much as we can and making it a happy positive experience. All dogs work at different speeds of getting used to new things but here are some ways we can help socialize our pets:
- Go for DAILY walks
-A walk with your dog is a huge bonding experience and also works as a great training session.
* Remember to communicate with others on walks-just because your pet is friendly with others, does not mean that others you may come in contact are also friendly.
- Group training classes
A controlled environment to introduce them to proper obedience, proper commands, distractions and other animals.
- Keep up with Annual Veterinary Visits
-Not only to keep your pet healthy with preventive care, but it also gets your dog used to handling/being touched and routine visits help prevent fears of going to the vet.
*Be sure your dog Is fully vaccinated prior to bringing around other pets. *
- Doggy Daycare
- Helps with multiple forms of socialization – dogs get proper play with a variety of other dogs and it also allows them to see and get used to new people. It also helps burn off our dog`s pent up energy- A WELL EXERCISED DOG IS A WELL-BEHAVED DOG
Daycare has its benefits to us as pet owners too - it helps keep our dog busy while we are at work or on vacation!
- Take them to the (pet) store
-a lot of stores that allow dogs inside add benefits to help stimulate them and most employees will greet them with a happy experience and maybe even a treat.
- Introduce them to various people/children/pets
Visit with friends/family so that your dog can see people and pets in all forms. The more they see something the more they have a chance to get used to it.
*Remember to keep these experiences positive and always go at your dog`s pace to keep things safe for your pet and everyone around you.
Quick tips for Training
Following the “STREAM” model when training your dog can help you remember some key things that should always be involved when working with your dog.
S ocialization
As we mentioned above this should be a large part of your dog’s life.
T iming
When we praise/reward our dog- timing is everything-let them know when they have done something good. Be sure to reward them within a few seconds of doing the wanted behavior.
Avoid constant/too much praise so we are not praising bad/unwanted behavior without realizing it.
R epetition
Repetition builds habit- things will need to happen frequently to be learned. Keeping your dog on a good routine is beneficial and helps them follow rules.
E nergy
Dogs tend to react to energy-unwanted behaviors tend to happen when there is a lot going on. Work to teach your dog to be calm – a well-exercised dog is a well-behaved dog. Give your dog a job to do to burn off that energy. Also be sure to choose a dog breed/energy level that fits your lifestyle (ex: A high energy Border Collie that needs a job to do may not work well in a townhome or studio apartment with minimal exercise).
A lways lead
Remember that you are always in charge. You must set the rules and boundaries to ensure safety to your dog and everyone around you. Dogs don’t always understand what is best so we must lead them to what is right and wrong so we can coexist well together as we love our dogs as family.
M otivation
Make sure when working on training you are able to find a good form of motivation for you dog so they have a reason to want to do what we need them to. Some examples may include: treats, a favorite toy or even just lots of petting/belly rubs to praise a job well done!
If you are still having issues, or your pet needs further evaluation, please contact your veterinarian to make sure your pet has no illness or pain contributing to behavior or to discuss any medications that may be needed.
Hopefully these tips help you to establish a nice and healthy relationship to ensure a happy bond between you and your pets! Animals are truly amazing!