Taking on the Trailblaze Challenge
Make-A-Wish Greater Virginia In Shenandoah National Park

Tarrington neighbors Mike Pressendo and Lara Davenport are taking on the challenge of hiking 18 miles in Shenandoah National Park in one day, for the second (Lara’s third) year in a row. “Why would anyone do that?” you might ask. The answer: to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Virginia. Every hour of every day, on average, three children are diagnosed with a critical illness. Every one of these kids needs a wish to give them strength and help them heal. Recent studies have shown that a wish to come true empowers children to fight harder against their illness and improves their quality of life. 15,000 wishes are granted nationwide through the Make-A-Wish Foundation, but that is only about 50% of eligible children.
Lara personally does this event because her family has a special connection to Make-A-Wish. Her brother-in-law, Aaron, received a wish when he was battling Ewing Sarcoma. Her husband, Jay, Aaron, and her mother-in-law were granted a wish for a VIP trip to New York City in the fall of 1993. The highlight was going to a taping of the David Letterman Show and getting to meet David Letterman backstage afterward. Aaron lost his battle with cancer in January of 1994 at the age of 16 and thus was unable to be the best man at Lara and Jay’s wedding that August. However, the NYC trip helped Jay make priceless memories with Aaron, and their family has supported Make-A-Wish ever since. Jay served on the board of the Make-A-Wish Greater Virginia chapter from 2018-2023.
Mike currently serves on the board of directors for Make-A-Wish Greater Virginia and his passion for the cause was forged when he was leading the branding and marketing nationally for Make-A-Wish Foundation of America. In that role, he had the privilege of participating in dozens of wishes and the honor of meeting hundreds of wish kids and their families. He witnessed the transformative power of a wish being granted. He shared that the impact is positive, profound, and beyond what drugs and surgeries can provide. In many cases, it is the turning point in their recovery and in others, it is one of the best and most lasting memories families have when their child is no longer with them.
So in addition to their personal connection to Make-A-Wish, Mike and Lara do the event because the Trailblaze Challenge is fun! For several months before the event, there were training hikes to help everyone get ready. For the weekend event, hikers get to stay Friday and Saturday nights at the Skyland Resort in Shenandoah National Park and get all their meals provided. The challenge of hiking the 18 miles on Saturday builds wonderful camaraderie among all the hikers and Mike and Lara made several new friends. In return for the amazing experience, hikers help raise awareness and much-needed funds to support Make-A-Wish Greater Virginia. Each hiker commits to raising $2,500 for granting wishes to critically ill kids right here in Virginia. For anyone who likes to hike, the event cannot be beat! Who wants to join Mike and Lara this year?
The 2025 Trailblaze Challenge will be on April 11-13. Registration opens in October 2024.