Summer Reading
It's time to get started!

Sophie Buchta
With summer now in full swing, there’s so much more free time to fill with fun. One of my favorite things to do for fun over the summer is read. However, when I hit the brink of summer, my reading list is at brink of being non existent. I quickly run out of books to read, and I’m stuck wondering, “What other books am I going to read this summer? How am I going to complete my summer reading for school?” If you also always have this same thought for yourself or your kids, then maybe this article will help you. I interviewed 5 kids in the neighborhood to see what books and series they highly recommend to read over the summer, or just whenever. I hope you enjoy the books you choose to read this summer, whether it’s from this list or not!
If you’re a lover of adventure and books full of plot twists, a great book to read is Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief, written by Rick Riordan. This book was recommended by Liam Wieker, a fifth grader who loves books full of adventure. His favorite character is Percy, the protagonist, who Liam describes as funny, sarcastic, and strong. Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief is one of the many books belonging to the fantasy and adventure genre, with a strong theme of “never give up.” The book is placed in present day U.S. and ties together the average life of a teenage boy with Greek mythology and a quest to save the world from war. To warn you ahead of time, this book is part of a series and that series is part of a franchise of many other books, so be prepared to read!
If you are a parent of kids who have just started reading more complex chapter books,
a great series to try is Dragon Masters by Tracey West. This book series was recommended by Owen Wieker, a 2nd grader who loves adventure and fantasy. Owen’s favorite character is Drake, who he would describe as nice, brave, and focused when it comes to completing a mission. Owen highly recommends this book to people who love dragons and adventures. This series belongs to the fantasy genre, and has a theme of “teamwork makes the dream work.”
The Gallagher Academy series by Ally Carter is full of mystery and romance, and Sophie Buchta, a 7th grader, highly recommends it to those who love a good romantic spy fiction novel. While the series is a bit slow starting, it’s impossible to put down once the action picks up. Sophie’s favorite character is Cammie Morgan, the protagonist, who she describes as determined, flirty, and adventurous. The theme of this series is, “Be yourself, you don’t need to hide your true identity from the ones you love.” The Gallagher Academy series is 11 books long with each book ranging from 250 to 300 pages long. Be prepared to do a lot of reading!
Another great book recommendation comes from Alexa Aarons, a 7th grader who highly suggests reading The Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. The Children of Blood and Bone is a book full of suspense, mystery, and fantasy, and is part of the dystopian genre. The theme of this book is “good vs evil” and “never give up.” Alexa said that The Children of Blood and Bone is similar to Divergent by Veronica Roth, so if your a Divergent fan definitely read this book. The plot of The Children of Blood and Bone includes many twists and turns, with many shocking events occurring throughout the story as Amari, the protagonist, fights to return magic to her home land and save the remaining of her people. Alexa described Amari as strong, kind, and powerful.
Do you like dragons? If you just said yes, then a great books series for you would be Wings of Fire by Tui I. Sutherland. Wings of Fire is a fantasy series full of surprises, mystery, and a plot that keeps you on your toes. This book was recommended by Veronica Aarons, age 9. The Wings of Fire series is 15 books long and follows the adventures of several different dragons as they fulfill and stop prophecies to protect their world. The theme of this book is “friendship is everything” and “good vs evil.” Veronica’s favorite character in Wings of Fire is Qubli, who is intelligent, sincere, and funny.