First Friday, Ladies Night
Christmas Favorite Things

Group photo of all the ladies, including myself thanks to my tripod
Once again, the December First Friday Ladies Night, Favorite Things, is my favorite night of the year. Our Co-hosts for this gathering were Lori Higgins Ellis and Michelle Thornton Hannam. Thank you, Lori, for opening your home for all of us to enjoy some holiday cheer, laughter, and just plain fun. Everyone in attendance brought three gifts that were laid out on tables and an appetizer or dessert to share. Numbers were drawn three times during the evening, and they were called out in groups to choose a gift off the table where they were all laid out. We all went home with three amazing gifts and memories that will last a lifetime. The food was super delicious, and we even did some dancing after all the gift-giving was complete. Each of these ladies nights are different because it isn’t always the same people in attendance and many of them have fun themes.
Cheers to a great 2024 for everyone.