Celebrating 100 Issues of Building Community!
We asked Hill Section residents what was their favorite part of being featured in Hill Section Life, and here’s what they said:

Martin and Liesl Leikarts exclaimed,
“We feel like being featured in the magazine was the best "welcome to the neighborhood" a family can get! Even though Manhattan Beach is a fairly small town, the Hill Section has always appealed the most to us and it is truly amazing to be a part of its community. Martin would also be very happy if the article also made someone look up where exactly Latvia is! Plus, we got such great family pictures out of it! Thank you again for letting us share our story and caring about us!”
Robin Curren shared,
“Thank you so very much for featuring our daughters Amanda and Sunny Villapando. We hope that by sharing their stories others were inspired to work hard and never give up on their dreams. Stories have been at the heart of all cultures throughout history and help us share knowledge and possibilities. The Hill Section publication is a wonderful community platform, and we appreciate the opportunity to learn about our neighbors and so much more.”
Tracey Mork and Nick Macko expressed,
“It was such an honor being featured in the Hill Section Life magazine! Our favorite part is the community support and love that we received with sharing our personal story. These significant milestones in our life — our engagement, wedding and having twins — are forever etched in these pages and will be such treasured memories of our life’s journey.”
Paula Davis said,
“We loved being featured because it made us feel such a part of a very special community. What a lovely welcome! And because it all happened during Covid, it was a way to feel connected even when we all had to stay apart. The timing was perfect for us.”
Christie Norvell commented,
“It was such an honor to be featured in the Hill Section Life with my sons and family. And Randy, I am so impressed with the quality of the magazine each month. I know it takes an incredible amount of work, so thank you!”
Bob and Christine Simon remarked,
“Our favorite part of being featured in Hill Section Life was actually being interviewed by our neighbor Patty! Just getting to know her was a prize all in of itself! She is also a wordsmith and her write up was hilarious.”
Lauren Doss stated,
“For me it was the connection to neighbors that came directly from working on my article! The magazine really is a special celebration of families and individuals and I love seeing and connecting with the folks I’ve read about around town!”
Sharon Brown reflected,
“When I first met Randy, I thought I was going to help him only as a hobby for 6 months. But here it is going on three years now and I am still enjoying meeting our wonderful Hill Section neighbors and encouraging them to participate by sharing their families, kids, pets, young achievers, artists, athletes, seniors, recipes, charities, trips and more!
It has been very special and rewarding to be a part of this terrific neighborhood magazine, celebrating now it’s 100th month! I look forward to meeting many more of my Hill Section neighbors and having them share their lives.
It has truly been such a wonderful opportunity to have shared my life and my family with my neighbors, and to have such special souvenirs for my kids and grandkids.
Thank you, Randy, for your commitment to making this a truly successful magazine, and much appreciation to all the excellent businesses that make it possible with their advertising. We sincerely appreciate your support!”
Sharon Brown, Hill Section Neighbor and Content Coordinator
Heather Fielding reminisced,
“My favorite part about being featured in Hill section magazine was the writing of the article. It was a great experience for my daughter Sophia and I to reflect on our lives, write and share with our community.”
Bob Lenihan wrote,
“I really enjoyed writing kids’ movies reviews for Hill Section magazine with my daughter, Cezanne over the years. Each one featured a photo of Cez and me and our fun movie review. We were later thrilled to have both Cezanne and her younger sister, Maeve, grace the cover!”
Irl and Dina Cramer said,
“Our favorite part of being featured in Hill Section Life was the opportunity to share our travels with others. I enjoyed writing about and sharing pictures of the places we had been, from Tanzania to Kenya to Norway. When Covid hit, and we could no longer travel, I wrote about walking the Greenbelt to fill my soul and spirit and to make up for giving up more exotic locales. There was beauty to be found in my hometown. Thank you, Hill Section Life, for letting us share.”
Carol Patterson shared,
“As a newcomer to Manhattan Beach, the November feature article meant a lot to me. Other than my daughter and her husband (featured with their daughters in the September, 2019 issue of HSL), I knew NO ONE in Manhattan Beach. As I began to get more involved, it was a delight when new acquaintances would have a eureka moment, declaring "Oh, didn't I see an article about you in the Hill Section magazine?!" I walk my dog, Joe, throughout the Hill Section and we now are frequently greeted by new friends. Thank you Randy Stager, Sharon Brown and Claire Morgan for helping it all happen.”
Eric Sanders commented,
“I really appreciated the chance to feature me and my artwork, as I was just beginning my art career. Randy was the first person that took a professional interest in my art and for that, he will always have a special place in my heart. I keep the article on my coffee table because the cover has a beautiful photo of me and my children on it. It brings back wonderful memories every time I see it.”
Rob Wilson expressed,
“I am a 77 year resident of Manhattan Beach and I obviously enjoy living here! We, my wife Dianne and I, have been featured in three articles in our Hill Section Life Magazine. So much fun for us and all our neighbors to read each month. We are thankful for your vision in publishing the magazine exclusively for our Hill Section area.”
Kimberly and Cletus Bradley stated,
“Though typically one to shy away from anything close to resembling a ‘feature’, we appreciated the gift that the experience gave us to remember how special it is to be part of a community … in particular, how wonderful it is to be part of our very special Hill Section community within our very special South Bay community. Thank you Hill Section Life and congratulations on 100 issues!”
Kris and Tony D’Errico said,
“Our favorite part about being featured in Hill Section Life was being recognized at the grocery store, and people commenting on the article or a trip that was featured. It connected us to our neighbors. Hill Section Life really helps create a community.”
Katie McNamara exclaimed,
“Everybody loved the cover and the feature I was in, and we got a ton of feedback. They thought the photos were amazing and people really didn't know about all my accomplishments at the time. We still have a framed copy up in our family room!”
Erika Schlarmann recalled,
“Our favorite part about participating in the Hill Section Magazine was when we had our picture on the cover and two of our neighbors dropped off copies of the magazine in our mailbox along with a nice note. It was such a thoughtful and neighborly thing to do and was typical of the way the Hill Section residents treat each other. I was really touched.”
Cinthia Joyce said,
“I really enjoyed the opportunity to be included in Hill Section Life with my article on my sculpture of "Atlas" and the process of creating it. There were many photographs included and it was exciting to see and to share my work with the neighborhood.”
Claire and Fred Safahi reminisced,
“It was so lovely to see our story featured in a magazine and remind us of our wonderful love story and trip of a lifetime.”
Kathleen Keifer shared,
“My favorite part of participating was how you helped to connect me to my neighbors. I met a lot of new friends through Hill Section Life. Additionally, you have a knack for hosting fabulous events at restaurants, which were always fun and a great way to meet other neighbors.”
Alec and Mirelle Averch exclaimed,
“We always enjoy the Hill Section Life Magazine! It is a refreshing publication with interesting stories to read about our neighbors. It helps make us all a bit more interconnected. Feeling connected is one of life’s greatest joys. This couldn’t be more true in the age of Covid 19. Alec’s cover feature was a pleasant surprise for us and our neighbors! Thank you.”
Pat Woolley wrote,
“I was very pleased to have been featured in Hill Section Life as a local Manhattan Beach artist. Having lived here since 1962, I was one of the women who started the MB Old Hometown Fair.”
Mark and Barb Lurie said,
“I guess our favorite part of the article was the title you gave it: "The Fun of Being the Luries" because it has been fun - at least eighty percent of the time. And it was a new experience - the first time we were on a magazine cover.”
Alicia Blackburn commented,
“I loved having neighbors recognize my son Jayden and I, and our dog Peanut, as we walk the neighborhood!”
Madelyn and Pete Hammond shared,
“Being featured in Hill Section Life was fun for us and it was the first time we (and our cats) have been on the cover of a magazine. We’re proud to be part of such a wonderful neighborhood.”