Meet Rescue Dog Sam!

Who says dogs can't laugh? He must have read my Publisher's Note!
Family member names: Neal, Amber, Carter, Emmett Moss
Pet’s name: Sam (Sammy)
Type of animal/breed: Borador (Border Collie and Black Lab mix)
Male or female: Male
Pet’s age: 4
Where/why did you get your pet?
Sam is a rescue dog from Out of the Woods Rescue in Little Rock Arkansas. His picture on the website was all our family needed to know he was the greatest dog of all time. We surprised Carter when we got back from Washington, D.C. for his birthday and drove immediately from the airport to the foster family’s home in Little Rock. Sam came home with us that day, and we wouldn’t have it any other way!
Is there a story behind its name?
Sam was the name he came with when we adopted him – but it definitely suits him!
Anything special or unusual about them (talents/quirks)?
Sam can jump higher than a 6-foot fence! He can also open doors to let himself in (we are still working on closing doors).
What do you like best about your pet?
We love his personality! He loves everyone, and his tail wags non-stop when he’s up moving around. He’s so happy!
How your pet has enriched your home/family?
Sam is definitely the best part of coming home from work and school.