Meet Turner Hunt AKA Rammie

Name: Turner Hunt
Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Family Members: Dana Smith, Gerald Hunt, Blaire Hunt, Austin Hunt
Tell us what made you want to be the mascot. It honestly all started at the benefit football game at the beginning of this year. My friends and I were talking and I said “Lakeside needs Rammie back” and the next day I was talking to Mr. Campbell.
How long has it been inactive? I don’t know the exact amount of time but I think the last time Lakeside had a mascot was around 2016.
What did you have to do to get it approved? I went to talk to my Principle, Mr. Campbell. Once he approved it I went to talk to the cheer coach, Judy Morton to figure out our plan for Rammie.
Did you need any training to do this?
Not necessarily, the only thing I did to prepare, was to learn a few of the cheers for the football games. Rammie is always with the cheer team.
I understand that Rammie has had different themes, can you tell us about those?
During football season I would dress up with the student section. My themes included blue and gold, Jersey, Senior citizen and babies. I wore a homecoming dress for Homecoming, a Pumpkin costume for Halloween trunk-or-treat, and my typical cheer uniform.
I also heard that Rammie has made some guest appearances? I have attended some events around Lakeside - the trunk-or-treat and a cheer-themed birthday party on the field.
Are you planning on continuing this activity next year? Yes of course
What is the hardest part about being Rammie? The two hardest things are not being able to see out of the eye holes and how hot it is.
What is the best part about being Rammie? The best part is seeing the smile on the little kids' faces. I love walking by and hearing “Oh my gosh it's Rammie” or getting pictures with them. One thing all my friends think is funny is every time I take a picture even though you can’t see my face I am smiling so big!
What advice would you give to other young people who might want to do this? Just have fun with it, and don’t stress. It is the most relaxed thing, you just do what you want. And you'll learn everyone is going to love you, even people you've never met. I’ll have teachers come up to me and say, “I am so happy you're doing this."
I also understand that the Rammie costume has seen better days and that there is a fundraiser to improve her. Tell our readers how they can get involved or help to make this happen. The only downside is the costume. It was made for someone much bigger many years ago. It gets very hot and I can’t see out of it so anytime you see Rammie walking I have a buddy with me holding my hand and guiding me. I feel if I had a costume more fit to me I could do a lot more, it is too big and I trip sometimes even just walking! Virginia Fortner has been the biggest supporter of Rammie, she is always going and getting outfits for games, or getting a monogrammed bag for Rammie, etc. You name it and Mrs. V has done it. I honestly don’t know what I would do without her. We have set up a fundraiser to get a new and improved costume. We have a go fund me set up, the name is Lakeside Mascot Rammie.
This great story about Turner and her endeavor to resurrect Rammie was brought to my attention by Virginia Fortner. Virginia also expressed appreciation and admiration for Turner. "She willingly comes to our events and takes time to greet and do a photo op with everyone who wants one. We had probably 400 kids (and adults) who got to get their picture taken with Rammie at the trunk-or-treat event. Turner stayed and made sure every single one got to do that. She is an incredible young lady!"