Emily's Hero - Hiro

Proud winner at our Costume Contest
I first met Emily and Hiro at our Pet Costume Contest and was impressed with both of them! He was indeed a hero and a winner in his Superman costume!
How long has your family lived in the neighborhood? What do you like most about living here?
I’ve lived in the Hot Springs area most of my life and I love the historic downtown area.
What's your pet's name, age, sex, and breed/type?
Hiro is a one-year-old white standard poodle. Poodles were bred to be water-retrieving dogs and they usually love water, Hiro is absolutely no exception.
When and how did your pet come to join your family?
I’m a newer dog groomer and I have always loved standard poodles, they are my dream breed. I got Hiro so that I could compete in creative dog grooming competitions with him. Having him is absolutely a dream come true.
Is there a story behind your pet’s name?
Hiro is named after the main character from the Disney movie Big Hero 6. I have always really connected with that movie, the main character lost his brother and I also lost my brother when I was young. I also love the theme of friendship and growth that that movie promotes.
What's the one trait or behavior that makes your pet stand out from the rest?
Hiro is super sweet and cuddly. He’s not just a dog who wants you to pet him, he loves to be held in your lap and hugged close.
Does your pet have any unique talents or tricks?
Hiro has helped me through a really hard time in my life, and I consider that a talent! He’s my best friend and never fails to brighten my day.
Does your pet have any favorite toys or treats?
Hiro loves strawberries, and he loves to play ball!
Tell us about your favorite memory with your pet.
My favorite memory with Hiro is participating in the Stroll The Lakeside Area Pet Costume Contest at 420 Eats! He was such a good boy and he was so cute, it was an amazingly fun day.
Where does your pet love to hang out in the neighborhood? Who are your pet's favorite playmates in the neighborhood?
Hiro is a regular at Camp Diggity Dogs! All of his best friends are there, it’s his second home. Camp Diggity Dogs sponsors this article each month and we so appreciate them!
If your pet could choose any adventure to go on, what would it be?
He would go swimming, Hiro absolutely loves the water. I can’t keep him out of it!