Meet Auggie
a big guy with an even bigger heart

Photo by Gavriella Kline Pet Photography
It seems like nowadays, people are using TikTok for everything. From organization tips and book recommendations to the best beauty and cosmetic brands to buy from. However, the last tip you would expect to find on TikTok would be where to find a dog. Ironically, that’s exactly where Hannah, Mike, Jason, Zachary, and Dustin Bloom found their three year old Standard Goldendoodle Auggie. For Hannah, she wasn’t considering getting a dog until one of her sons happened to be scrolling on TikTok and showed her the account of one of the app’s most famous internet dogs, Brodie.
It turned out that Brodie’s mom had another litter, and their owner was selling the puppies. “I thought, ‘What are the chances this random famous dog on TikTok will be where we get our puppy?’,” said Hannah. To her surprise, her chances were quite good seeing as Brodie’s owner was a local. Not long after, the family adopted Auggie, and the rest is history. Chatting with Hannah, she shared Auggie’s story and how he has made their lives that much better.
Q: Where and why did you get Auggie?
A: Our son was scrolling on TikTok and saw the famous dog, Brodie, and that his mom was having another litter. My son has me reach out even though I thought, “What are the chances this random famous dog on TikTok will be where we get our puppy?” But I did and the owner Cliff wrote me back and said, “I’m in Boca Raton, Florida and I don’t ship them!” I couldn’t believe it and knew it was meant to be!
Q: Is there a story behind his name?
A: August is the month our third son was stillborn at delivery, so it’s a very hard month for our family. We were meant to get Auggie a couple of weeks later but there was a hurricane coming and the breeder asked since we were local if we could take him early. It was August 1st! So, we thought since August is always a hard month, our new puppy would bring us so much joy and a reason to make August happy, so we named him Auggie!
Q: Is there anything special or unusual about him?
A: Yes! He’s human! He understands everything. He’s an incredible swimmer so we call him Michael Phelps. He runs at lightning speed we also call him cheetah. His favorite thing to do is cuddle and must be touching a human at all times. He absolutely loves pizza. We don’t let him eat it, but he will do anything for pizza.
Q: What do you like best about Auggie?
A: That he fits in as one of our boys! There’s nothing Auggie doesn’t participate in from story time and movie night to football in the backyard and swimming in the pool. He’s always there and he’s one of the guys!
Q: Do you have any funny stories about him?
A: Auggie loves to play the game keep it up with a balloon. The boys hit it up in the air with their hands and Auggie keeps it up with his nose. He could play for hours!
Q: How spoiled is Auggie?
A: He sleeps in our king bed with a down comforter every night, so you tell me!
Q: Lastly, what else should we know about Auggie and how has he enriched your home and family?
A: Auggie has enriched our family beyond measure. He’s there to have fun at all times but also there to hug and kiss us when one of us is sick or feeling down. We call him our therapy dog! He truly is our very own teddy bear!