Introducing the Haire Family
Jim, Angela and Paul

The Haire family has lived in the neighborhood since February 2022. They love living in the Ridges community. “All of our neighbors have been very friendly and welcoming to us," says Angela. “We are in a very peaceful area and couldn’t be happier!” The family lives in the Hidden Forest section of the Ridges. Along with their son, Paul, they have a golden retriever named Ryder, and Scarlett, their cat.
Jim and Angela met in an Emergency Department at a Methodist Medical Center. “I was an intake secretary,” says Angela, “and Jim volunteered there to gauge his interest in the medical field. Jim is now an orthopedic physician’s assistant.
Jim and Angela both graduated from East Tennessee State University, and Jim attended Cuyahoga Community College in Ohio for his PA training. Jim is originally from Oak Ridge, TN, and Angela is from Oakdale, TN.
As a tradition, the family enjoys making beef fondue every Christmas Eve. Jim and Paul enjoy playing golf, video games and watching TV. Angela likes reading and her porch swing.
The Haires attend His Way Baptist Church and help in the summer food program for the TLC Community Center in Elizabethton. They also adopt children from DCS each Christmas to provide presents, support Toys for Tots and sort food for Second Harvest Food Bank.
“Paul is a rising ninth grader and just made the SHHS golf team,” says Angela. “He also played baseball (little league and Jonesborough Middle).
Family Favorites
Paul: Baseball, golf, video games
Jim: Golf, tennis, cars
Angela: Cooking, reading, photography
All of us: Travel!
Restaurants: Our favorite local restaurant is actually the Blackthorn! During travel, we love to find a Ruth’s Chris Steak House or a Cheesecake Factory.
Vacation Destination: In 2021, we visited Ireland, and the boys played lots of golf courses there. We loved it so much that we are planning a return trip for 2023. We also plan on visiting Hawaii and NYC later this year. Our NYC trip will be at Thanksgiving when we plan to see the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in person – a bucket list item for Angela!
Sports Teams: SHHS Golf Team!, Chicago Cubs, Dallas Cowboys, TN Vols
TV Show/Movie: AGT, The Masked Singer, Stranger Things, Hawaii 5-0
Family Dinner: Family dinner time each day is when we all come together, no electronics are allowed. We spend the time talking together.