Take Me Out to the Ballpark
Meet Mason, Alex, and Eli, Friends and Neighbors

Neighborhood kids, all on the same team
Strolling to the ballpark for some summer fun, we stumbled across three of our neighborhood kids who play ball together. Thank you Jenn Koss Photos for capturing these boys in action! Happy to introduce you to Mason Borseth, Alex Omernik and Eli Heuser.
Mason, age 12, lives with his parents, Jeremy and Kristy, his brother, Chase, and his dog, Scout, in Indian Trails. He attends Pulaski Middle School and is a sports enthusiast! Fun fact, Mason has been the waterboy for the Pulaski High School football team for the last five years and has passed out over 400 gallons of water and Gatorade!
Name: Mason Borseth
What sports do you play? Baseball, football, and basketball
How long have you been playing baseball? Since I was 7, this is my sixth year.
Favorite position on the field? First Base
Who is your biggest fan? My family – my dad is my coach
What is it like having your dad as your coach? We show up to every practice and game super early
What do you like to do with your friends? Get together and play at the park
What does your family like to do together? Watch movies
What do you want to be when you grow up? Professional athlete or sports announcer
A few of Mason’s favorites:
Subject in School - Gym class
Sport - Football
Meal - Pizza
Dessert - Ice cream
Professional Sports Team - Baltimore Ravens
Teacher - Mr. Abendroth from 2nd Grade
Movie - Field of Dreams
Video Game - MLB The Show
Vacation - Arizona trip to see the Grand Canyon
Alex, 12 years old, has two siblings, Aubrey and Eli. He also lives in Indian Trails and attends Pulaski Middle School. Alex is very organized and likes keeping his room clean. He is the oldest and likes teasing his younger siblings.
Name: Alex Omernik
What sports do you play? Baseball, basketball, cross country
How long have you been playing baseball? I started playing tee-ball with my dad when I was 3.
What do you like to do with your friends? Play wiffleball or kickball
What does your family like to do together? Play outside
Who is your biggest fan? Mom and Dad; my dad is my coach
What do you want to be when you grow up? A scorekeeper
A few of Alex’s favorites:
Sport - Baseball
Position - Shortstop
Subject in School: Math
Meal - Chicken Noodle Soup
Dessert - Ice Cream
Professional Sports Team - Chicago Cubs
Movie - Big Daddy
Book - The Compound, by S A. Bodeen
Vacation - Tennessee
Eli Heuser, age 12, lives in Indian Trails. He has a 10-year-old sister, Dia, and a giant dog, Albany. Eli is always looking to meet new people and is always up for a game or hanging out.
Name: Eli Heuser
What sports do you play? Baseball, basketball and football
How long have you been playing baseball? I started t-ball when I was 4 and have been playing every year since.
Favorite position on the field? Shortstop
What do you like to do with your friends? Hang out at the neighborhood park
What does your family like to do together? Have family dinners together
Who is your biggest fan? My Grandma Sharon and Grandma Norine
What do you want to be when you grow up? MLB Player
A few of Eli’s favorites:
Subject in School - Recess
Sport - Baseball
Meal - Pizza
Dessert - Strawberry Milkshake
Professional Sports Team - Brewers
Coach - Coach Dave and Coach Todd, but I've really had all great coaches and teachers throughout the years. I like coaches that push me to my limits.
TV Show - All American
Video Game/Book - The video game MLB The Show '22
Vacation - Disney World