Sponsor Spotlight

Dear Upper Brookville Community,
The Green Vale School celebrated our 100th year ready to take on a new century. We not only honored and celebrated our rich history through special events and activities but also developed concrete tools to lead us toward our future of next-level excellence.
Since 1923, Green Vale has been deeply committed to providing a transformative and exceptional education that fosters a love of learning, nurtures creativity, instills a sense of leadership, and prepares our students to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Our motto is Optima Durant or “the best endures.” What this means for us is a constant effort to elevate learning through a joyful environment where every child is known and where academic excellence, strength of character, and a sense of fun are actively cultivated.
We welcome you to join us on campus for our Fall Open House on Saturday, October 14, to experience exactly what makes Green Vale so different.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Sincerely yours,
Jesse Dougherty, Ed.D.Head of School
250 VALENTINE’S LANE, OLD BROOKVILLE, NY greenvaleschool.org