Introducing Brad Cooper from Cooper Financial Investments, LLC

Where did you grow up? How long have you lived in the area? Tell us about your family
I am originally from Farmington, Missouri. My family and I moved to Gilbert back in May of 2014. I married my high school sweetheart of 40 years and just celebrated our 33rd anniversary this past year. We currently have two daughters, Grace and Maggie who are both married. Grace and Jake, Thraen and Maggie and Tristan Roberts. I am very blessed to have both of our daughters working in our family business. We love spending time together, traveling, and exploring new opportunities.

Tell us about the events that led up to where you are now.
My wife Shelly and I made a big decision back in 2014 to move our entire family and business to Arizona. Coming from a small town, our business and personal goals at that time were limited. We saw AZ as an opportunity to better achieve our goals and dreams. As a result, our family and business have been very blessed with this move.

What is your business, how/why did you start your business?
I am the Founder and President of Cooper Financial Investments, LLC. We are a "Holistic" Financial Planning Firm.  In my previous life, over 33 years ago, I was a Police Officer in Columbia, MO.  My degree from Columbia College was in Criminal Justice Administration. I was injured off duty in my 3rd year. I was ready for a career change and started in
the financial services industry 30 years ago.

When I first started in the financial service industry, I became very angry. The reason was, during high school and college, I was never taught what I call common sense money principals. I made it my mission and still today my passion, to help and educate families for their retirement planning needs.

Given your business expertise and the nature of what you do, what advice can you offer to the residents?
I would say the advice we offer is specific to each client as every person/family has different goals and concerns.  We take a 5 step process with every client and our focus is on educating and solving their individual concerns.

We love our clients and we are a relationship-type practice. We have many fun events for our clients during the year and our clients to us, are family.

What else we should know about you, your family, or your business?
Our family like most has been through trials and tribulations. We are so blessed and our foundation is God, Family, and Friends. As we go through life, we are reminded daily there are no guarantees for us tomorrow. We are thankful for every day and for families that God brings to our family and business.

To contact Cooper Financial Investments, LLC,