Coco and TT Love their Home in Victoria Park

Hey Victoria Park neighbors!
My name is Coco, and over the years, my hair color has changed so much that sometimes my family calls me ‘Latte.’ I’m a 3-year old mix between a Newfoundland and a Poodle, which humans call a Newfypoo or Noodle!
When I was young, I injured my spine and am unable to wag my tail, but I am still always happy, even if you can’t always tell! The only time I might get moody is when my humans try to take me on a walk. I am naturally lazy, but once we get outside, I always enjoy myself so much. I really wish I could remember that while I’m running away from them while they try to put on my leash.
My favorite part of the day (besides when my humans come home), is when the mailman comes to visit. We have this fun game where he pretends he is coming to the window and just when I am chasing him there, he quickly runs to the door and gets the mail in the slot before I try to bite it – gets me every time!
My biggest fear is thunder and any time it is storming, you will find me deep in my humans’ closet where nothing will get me out until the danger is gone. There is nothing I love more than swimming. So much so, that my humans have to take me out in our backyard on a leash because I will immediately belly flop into the pool any chance I get – it’s the best!
My name is TT, but my parents call me Tucker when I am being naughty. I had a lot of homes until I was 4 years old, and the day I came home to my forever family in Victoria Park was the happiest day of my life.
I have a super annoying sister named Coco that I will never admit to loving, since I consider myself a ‘people dog’ and not a ‘dog dog’. I spend my days guarding our home from so many threats, from babies in strollers, to tiny dogs that are barely the size of my head. It’s a full-time job, but somebody has to do it.
Sometimes when the backyard gate gets left open, I like to explore the neighborhood and always return to the front door where I will bark until my owners let me in. They’ve tried explaining to me that I can also return through the back gate that I used to leave, but we always use the front door to go into the house so I don’t think they know what they’re talking about.
If you see me on the streets, please say hello, and don’t take it personal when I show dislike toward your dog – I just love humans!