Pet Ambulance And Wellness Services
Experienced Critical Care At A Moment's Notice

Since 2022, Pet Ambulance and Wellness Services has been assisting the South Florida pet community. PAWS is the brainchild of three highly experienced veterinary nurses and carried forward by Wagner Brenes and Jerome Campbell. Both Wagner and Jerome are experienced emergency and critical care veterinary nurses with nearly forty years of combined experience. Throughout their careers they learned there was a dire need for emergency and home assistance in the local pet community.
Wagner Brenes was born in Costa Rica and raised in Miami. He has spent most of his career in veterinary medicine after graduating with a degree as a registered nurse. With over twenty-five years of experience in emergency/critical care, neurology, internal medicine, surgery and cardiology, Wagner has a career that has always focused on helping the pet community.
Jerome Campbell, CVT, was born and raised in fort Lauderdale. Jerome's career has given him the opportunity to excel in the fields of emergency/critical care, surgery, and neurology. Jerome's passion for veterinary medicine is only matched by the love he and his fiancé share for the four wonderful boys they have between them.
The PAWS team wants to focus on educating pet parents about the most common and urgent situations pets may experience in Victoria Park and South Florida.
Cane or bufo toad exposure:
Here are the Dos and Don’ts of Bufo intoxication:
- Use a damp cloth to gently rub the gums, tongue, and roof of your pet’s mouth. Make sure to rinse the cloth between wipes and continue the process until all the sticky milk-like substance is wiped away.
-Do not use a running hose or faucet to rinse your pet’s mouth. The toxin requires some friction produced by wiping with a cloth to be completely removed. If your pet is intoxicated, they may not be able to protect their airways, and the running water can easily be inhaled leading to aspiration pneumonia or drowning.
-Do not attempt to force feed milk, ice cream or any other food to your pet.
-If your pet is experiencing a seizure, do not attempt CPR. Lay them on their side to prevent aspiration and seek medical attention immediately.
Trauma (Such as Being Hit By a Car)
Administer basic first aid by covering large wounds with a clean cloth or bandage. If there is a PAWS nurse on the scene with you, they will be able to apply a pressure bandage to any active bleeding, place an e-collar on your pet should they have any eye injuries, or administer oxygen if your pet is showing any signs of respiratory distress.
You should also be aware of your pet’s pain. Any animal that is in pain has the possibility to bite, even their own owners. Fastening a small leash or belt to make a gentle muzzle can be helpful if you need to move your pet. When PAWS is responding, we have the experience to gently muzzle the pet as well as the ability to safely move them appropriately.
Heat Related Injuries:
Heat related injuries are some of the most preventable emergencies pets experience. Walk your pets during the early part of the day or the later parts of the day when the heat is relatively lower than midday. Always have water available for your pets to drink and stay cool. Always be aware of where your pet is. Pets can be lost in the shuffle of daily life and find themselves in dangerous situations such as being left in a hot vehicle.
The PAWS team always hopes you and your families never need us, but if you do, we are always ready to deliver "experienced critical care at a moment's notice!"
PAWS Offers The Following Services for Your Pet:
* Emergency Transportation for Your Ill or Injured Pet
* Inter-Hospital Transportation
* Home Wellness Services for Pets That Need Additional Home Care
Contact Us:
954-365-PAWS (7297)
Serving Victoria Park and the Entire Tri-County Region