Legacy of Legends: Dylan Meyer's Entrepreneurial Venture Inspired by Dwyane Wade
Dylan's Vision to Empower Young Athletes

South Floridian Dylan Meyer has proven that hard work and persistence can lead to anything in life.
At the age of 12, Dylan built an Instagram page for his NBA idol, Dwyane Wade, which has led to a long-term friendship with one of South Florida’s most recognized sports figures along with new opportunities.
“I’ve played basketball my whole life,” Dylan says. “I have always looked up to Dwyane Wade. I’ve always watched the Miami Heat, and Dwyane made me become a fan.”
Dylan's admiration for Dwyane led to him building the Instagram page in 2012.
Growing Dwyane Wade’s Legacy on Instagram
“No one else was doing what I was doing with sports editing for a specific athlete,” Dylan says. “The biggest thing for me was pulling organic and unique content and kind of twisting it in my own creative and unique way.” Dylan continued posting different sports edits and eventually it evolved to sports video editing.
“People loved seeing his highlights and old interviews,” Dylan says. “I had to adjust when Instagram came out with videos. The biggest thing with being a successful social media manager is to know what is timely, what is popular and what is trending.”
Utilizing his talent in content and video editing, Dylan was able to grow his Dwyane Wade Instagram page to over 130,000 followers. Dylan’s success led to more opportunities to work with NBA stars, such as Udonis Haslem and Tracy McGrady.
The University of Florida
Dylan, who went to Western High School, attended the University of Florida and graduated in 3 ½ years with a degree in Media Production Management and Technology.
“It was a great school and put me in position to succeed and to learn,” Dylan says.
Dylan who studied abroad, had the opportunity to cover the second ever NBA game played in France. He also covered the Dolphins – Chiefs game that was played in Germany this past November.
“I have always been the person to try and put myself out there. With these traveling experiences and learning different cultures, these are all things I can take into account as I start my entrepreneurship journey,” Dylan says.
Dwyane Wade’s Retirement and New Focus
When Dwyane retired in 2019, Dylan wanted to keep his legacy alive.
As Dylan got older, he has had the unique pleasure and opportunity to get to know Dwyane as a person, businessman and father. He says that he would have not continued keeping Dwyane’s legacy alive if he wasn’t such an amazing legend to look up to for his achievements off the court.
Dwyane has taught Dylan to hold strong to your opinion - even when it is not popular. Dylan learned that when facing adversity, instead of giving up or making excuses, you should continue to navigate tough roads with class and conviction.
However, in 2021, Dwyane decided that they would collaborate on a new page (@Wade_Legacy) together with a different and broader focus from that of a fan page.
Dwyane is now doing a podcast called “The Why with Dwyane Wade.” (@thewypodcast) Dwyane started the podcast to talk to people and to know their why. He talks to all-time greats in sports, music, fashion and business about their journeys and what drives them everyday.
Dylan’s New Company - Legacy of Legends
Because of all that Dwyane did for him, Dylan has been inspired to start his own journey.
Dylan’s why is wanting to give back to the youth and young athletes who look up to these players and strive to get better everyday. Dylan has the motivation to help athletes discover their inner strengths and to be mentored by sports camps that have coaches who instill the same core values that he believes in.
Therefore, Dylan is starting a company that is called Legacy of Legends.
“Dwyane inspired me to start this because he instilled the same confidence in me as a kid as I want to do for other kids,” Dylan says.
This is a chance for all young sports enthusiasts to be directed to the perfect sports summer camp. This is a game changer because it will be very easy for parents to navigate and find the right camp for their child based on skill levels, competition, who’s going to be at the camp and who’s running the camp. Athletes will be able to be placed in the best position for them to excel.
Dylan’s plans also include sponsorships in order to give underprivileged children a scholarship opportunity to go to a top tier sports camp. Let’s face it, not many will end up being professional athletes, but Dylan would like for every young man and woman to be able to maximize their potential and be able to find that safe haven and mentorship in a top coach. Legendary basketball coach John Wooden said it best, “A good coach can change a game, but a great coach can change a life.”
Gratitude for Others and His Experiences
Dylan is grateful for the challenges in life.
“Everyone has obstacles to deal with, but the challenges give you a greater purpose,” Dylan says.
He acknowledges the people around him who have helped support him and lifted him up when he was down so that he could be in a position to succeed. He is especially appreciative of his relationship and friendship with Dwyane Wade.
Dylan is thankful for the opportunities that have been presented to him in his life.
Be on the lookout for the launch of his new company, Legacy of Legends, at the end of June.
Contact Information:
IG: @Wade_Legacy