Stroll for Life - Kids Pelotonia Team

There are other community dates that we would like to add to the ad:
.  June 7:  Stroll for Life, Glacier Ridge Park (hosted by Team Stroll for Life)
June 15: Pedal for Pancakes, Capital University in Bexley (hosted by Team Bexley) 
July 6: Pelotonia Kids UA, Jones Middle School in Upper Arlington (hosted Sarah Jane and Paul Germain) 
July 27: SpokesKIDS Jr., Wildwood Park in Granville (hosted by Team Granville Spokesmen for a Cure peloton members) 
July 27: SpokesKIDS, Newark to Granville (hosted by Team Granville Spokesmen for a Cure peloton members) 
TBA: Building Brighter Futures, Plain City (hosted by M/I Homes, Inc.)