February Is Heart Health Month

February is heart month and the perfect opportunity to gain a better understanding of what our heart wants and needs. If the heart wants more physical activity, consider ways to incorporate more movement into your day in small ways. One way is by adding more N.E.A.T into your life.
“Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (N.E.A.T) is the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating or formal exercise or sports-like exercise.” (Levine J. A. (2002).  p. 679) 
The types of movement included in N.E.A.T. Movement are walking from the parking lot to work typing, doing yard work or housework, or doing day-to-day tasks and fidgeting.  
Many of us may lack enough N.E.A.T. movement in our day due to reasons like commuting, sitting at desks, time spend doing school work, eating dinner, and watching TV.
It has been found that people who move more throughout their day are more likely to reach or maintain their weight, overall health goals, and have healthier hearts, compared to those who are sedentary or only move during one exercise session a day.   Why not do both! 
Adopting N.E.A.T. habits and behaviors into our day can be beneficial for everyone, but can be particularly beneficial for those who have injuries that might be preventing more intense workouts and people who have a more sedentary lifestyle.   
 How can I add in N.E.A.T Movement?  
  • Take the stairs.   
  • Stand more than sit.   
  • Playing with kids or animals.   
  • Completing yard work or housework.  
  • Grocery shopping.  
  • Walking the dog.  
  • Change your mode of transportation – walk, bike places if possible.   
  • Cleaning.   
  • Complete movement, walking, or step challenges.   
  • Do walking meetings.   
The RENEW Program improves the health of the whole person, body, and mind. Find out more at www.smhrenew.com