EOD uses Art as a Catalyst to Create Awareness and Promote Inclusion, Kindness, and Respect

It has been said that art is a form of love, and that art can heal the soul. We are fortunate to live in a community that is home to organizations and individuals who take these words to heart. I am pleased to introduce our readers to Embracing Our Differences and EOD Ambassador Lissa Murphy.

In a recent conversation with Southside resident Lissa Murphy, a dedicated volunteer with EOD, who is passionate about art and the organization's mission, she stated, "EOD has used the power of art and prose to promote inclusion, kindness, and respect…Using art to highlight these values is essential to reaching our children in this complex world."

Look carefully the next time you drive down 41 and pass the bayfront. You will be amazed by an exhibition of giant canvases featuring bright, engaging colors and thought-provoking quotes. The Embracing Our Differences (EOD) 2025 exhibition at Sarasota Bayfront Park will be on display from January 19 to April 13, 2025. The park is open daily from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., and admission is free.

Embracing Our Differences is a nonprofit organization based in Sarasota that celebrates individuality and shared humanity through art and education. EOD was established twenty-two years ago, inspired by a traveling exhibit titled "Coexistence," which was brought to Sarasota in partnership with the Florida Holocaust Museum and the Museum on the Seam in Jerusalem, Israel. After obtaining nonprofit status in 2005, EOD held its first exhibition in Bayfront Park, featuring art submitted by 124 regional artists. Over 100,000 community members and 2,000 students visited the exhibition in the initial year.

EOD's mission is "Through arts and education, we inspire kindness and respect." This mission is exemplified by their strong commitment to educational programming and engaging the local community. In 2007, the organization focused its efforts on school-based education initiatives. Lissa shared, "Year-round education initiatives represent the most important aspect of EOD's efforts—reaching and impacting the lives of thousands of students and educators locally and around the world." Since 2004, more than 642,000 students have participated. During the 2023-2024 school year alone, EOD involved 55,357 students and 2,048 educators.

The Bayfront exhibition will entertain and educate local students through field trips. EOD also facilitates Coexistence Clubs, and through the Bucket Fillers and Embracing Our Differences Reading Day programs, 19,955 books were donated to students and educators in 2024. Workshops by nationally recognized educators and lesson plans connected to art appreciation and character building are available for teachers. All lesson plans are created under the supervision of Sarasota County Schools and the School District of Manatee County curriculum teams, fully incorporating Florida State Standards.

When COVID-19 posed significant challenges to the arts community, EOD provided a safe outdoor opportunity for engagement and pivoted to offer virtual field trips and curriculum to accommodate at-home learning.

Embracing Our Differences has been recognized as a groundbreaking leader in art education, receiving The Patterson Foundation's Collaborative Innovator Award and President Barack Obama's Volunteer Service Award.
Lissa is thrilled with the interest in this year's juried exhibition, which will showcase 50 billboard-sized works of art, each accompanied by a thought-provoking quotation. An open call for submissions is held each year, attracting thousands of entries from around the world. The winning artworks demonstrate a deep understanding of both the medium and message. Awards are given for "Best-in-Show Adult," "Best-in-Show Student," and "People's Choice," with the last category chosen by visitors to the exhibition. An adult winner receives $2,000, while student winners share a $2,000 prize with their school's art or writing program.

For the 2025 Exhibition, an impressive 10,124 entries were received from 122 countries and 46 states. Students from 511 schools worldwide submitted artwork or quotations, with more than 65% of the submissions coming from students.

Lissa expects a huge turnout for this year's exhibition. In 2024, 422,576 people attended, bringing the total number of visitors to over 4.8 million since 2004.

EOD and Lissa Murphy are dedicated to creating a world where differences are respected and valued. Art is the perfect medium to accomplish that goal.
Photo credits: all photos courtesy of Embracing Our Differences.